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Equality is; the generational difference in people's experience of racism which was a regular occurrence for older generations. How racism entered the intimacy and privacy of the home through television and through the pressure to keep up appearances by maintaining a perfect house in order to dispel racist stereotypes. How conversation can be a powerful tool to combat prejudice and change perceptions giving a sense of hope.

Collaborators: Community Researchers analysed the London Community Story research; listening, transcribing and establishing themes; Belonging/Digital Communities/Equality/Identity/Journeys & Travelling/Relationships

Researchers: Sagal Farah, Chifa Khelfaoui , Asha Mohammoud, Nkechi Noel

Facilitator: Joanna Sawkins is studying for a PhD the areas of community research and public policy. Her work is supported by the GLA and University College London.


Statistics and quantitative data are an important tool in telling the story of London and its people. Here you will find a data that focusses on the key theme of Equality. The main data source is the Survey of Londoners which was conducted in 2018/19 and aims to fill evidence gaps and help improve analysis and policy making in the areas of social integration, equality, diversity and inclusion, economic fairness and food security in London. You will also find data from ONS (2019) Annual Population Survey, GLA (2019) Population Projection and QMUL (2017) Polling London. All of this data can be found on the London Datastore which was created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as a first step towards enabling everyone to have free access to the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold.

Equality Infographic

Click on the image to enlarge.


Goldsmiths University were a partner with the London Community Story at the collecting phase, hosting the Conversation Booth. This partnership developed into the interpreting stage and following an open call, 6 filmmakers were selected to represent each theme, using solely the audio collected.

Equality by Alex Jordan

London has always been a place where people come together to rally and protest. Based on portable video footage from the 1970s and 80s preserved by the London Community Video Archive, this film reminds us that equality is not something to be won and put aside. It must be fought for continuously through concrete actions both large and small.

Alex Jordan is a volunteer and video editor at the London Community Video Archive based at Goldsmiths, University of London: He also works on photography, writing and other video editing projects:


How loneliness is impacting our capital's elderly by Eve Hebron

According to a survey, London is one of the loneliest cities in the world. The elderly are rarely given a voice when the discussion of loneliness in the capital arises. We often talk about how difficult it is for young people to integrate ‘in the big smoke’ when moving here, but we seldom discuss how prominent of an issue loneliness amongst the individuals already living here is. Focusing on loneliness and how it can impact an individual, particularly the elderly, this article explores the ways in which we can all help to prevent it.

Eve Hebron is a London-based student, studying MA Arts and Lifestyle Journalism at London College of Communication, part of the University of the Arts London:

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