Seaside and Country Homes transfer scheme
The scheme and how to apply
If you are an existing tenant of a Seaside and Country Homes property you may be able to apply for a transfer to another Seaside and Country Homes property, if you meet the following criteria:
You must have moved to your current home from London, via the Seaside and Country Homes scheme. If you have moved via another route you are not eligible to apply for a transfer through us and should contact your landlord.
There must be a legitimate reason for requesting a transfer for example medical grounds, family support.
You must provide supporting evidence or documentation from a GP or other medical professional, which explains how a move to another property or different location will improve your health.
Please also note the following:
If the reason for your transfer request is based on the condition of your current property, please ensure you have informed your landlord of your situation as they will need to follow this up with you directly.
- You will normally only be allowed to move to a similar property for example from a flat to another flat. However, there will be instances where you wish to move to a location near family where we only have bungalows or you may need to move to a bungalow for medical reasons. We will consider applications on an individual basis.
You can select up to five locations. You will be made one offer only and as this could be in any area you have selected, please consider carefully if all the areas you have chosen meet your needs. Refusal of a reasonable offer could result in your transfer application being cancelled.
Please advise us as soon as possible if your circumstances change, or you wish to amend your areas, by contacting [email protected]
If you currently live in London and wish to move through the Seaside and Country Homes scheme, please do not use this transfer form.
Visit our Seaside and Country Homes scheme page for information on the scheme and how to apply.
Frequently asked questions
If your application is successful you will normally only be allowed to move to a similar property for example from a flat to another flat. However, there will be instances where you wish to move to a location near family where we only have bungalows or you may need to move to a bungalow for medical reasons. We will consider applications on an individual basis.
You will not be moved to a property with more bedrooms than you currently have unless this is unavoidable (for example if there are no one-bedroom properties in the area you wish to move to) or medical circumstances mean that a two-bedroom property is now necessary (for example you now require a live-in carer).
No, you must have moved to your current home from London, via the Seaside and Country Homes scheme. If you have moved via another route, you are not eligible to apply for a transfer through us and should contact your Landlord directly to discuss your moving options.
If you currently live in London and wish to move through the Seaside and Country Homes scheme, please do not use this transfer form.
Visit our Seaside and Country Homes scheme page for information on the scheme and how to apply.
When your application is received, it will be forwarded to your landlord to confirm your details. The Housing Mobility Team will aim to make a decision on your application within ten days of your landlord’s acknowledgement of your request.
Our decision will be given in writing (letter or email) to the person named on the application form and your landlord.
In certain circumstances, we may request more information, and this may mean it takes more than ten days to give you a decision, but you will be informed in writing if that is the case.
If your request is refused, we will let you know in writing and give reasons why.
If you want to appeal against a refusal, or the property you are offered, you need to contact us in writing. You need to include the reason(s) for the appeal and provide any additional supporting information if appropriate.
We will let you know we've received your appeal in writing within 24 hours and tell you when you can expect an outcome. We may contact interested parties for more information if necessary.
You will be contacted by phone if you match to an available property and if you wish to be nominated your details will be sent to the managing housing association. This will then count as an offer. If you are happy to accept the property after you've have a viewing, the landlord will tell you the tenancy start date and organise the signing of the tenancy agreement.
If you decline at the point we telephone you, this will not be considered an offer however your application may be reviewed if you continue to refuse at this stage.
If you wish to refuse a property once you have been nominated, this will count as an official offer and any further offers will only be made in exceptional circumstances. You must let us and the landlord know the reason for your refusal as soon as possible.
You will normally receive only one offer so it is therefore essential you consider carefully the areas you wish to move to.
We cannot predict when and where properties will become available so we cannot advise how long you may have to wait for a move.
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