Key information
Publication type: General
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The 2014 Energy Planning Monitoring report sets out the outcomes secured in 2014 as a result of implementation of the London Plan energy policies (specifically Policy 5.2) through the planning system.
An energy assessment is required for each planning application referable to the Mayor, setting out how the London Plan energy policies will be met within the development. Specifically, applicants are required to set out how the proposals apply the following energy hierarchy:
- Be lean: use less energy
- Be clean: supply energy efficiently
- Be green: use renewable energy
The hierarchy provides the mechanism through which the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction targets in Policy 5.2 of the London Plan are achieved. It also contributes to the implementation of strategic energy policies relating to decentralised networks and ensures opportunities for building occupants to receive efficient, secure and affordable energy.
Key outcomes secured in 2014 as a result of implementation of the London Plan energy policies include:
- Regulated CO2 emission reductions of 39 percent more than required by Part L of the Building Regulations across applications considered by the Mayor.
- Cumulative regulated CO2 emission reductions of over 53,000 tonnes CO2 per annum against the relevant Part L baseline.
Commitment to the provision of low carbon and renewable energy infrastructure including:
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant able to produce more than 20MW of electricity (broadly equivalent to the amount required to supply 40,000 homes) and a similar amount of heat, 82,000m2 of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels (equivalent to the electricity demand requirements of around 16,000 homes) and a substantial increase in the number of heat pump installations.
- Significant investment (and with it associated employment opportunities) at each stage of the energy hierarchy including:
- Be Lean - Investment in energy demand reduction measures resulting in a 14 percent reduction in CO2 emissions compared with relevant Building Regulations in force through energy efficiency measures alone
- Be Clean - £114 million in heat network infrastructure and associated CHP
- Be Green - £16 million in PV panels and additional investment in other renewable
Related documents
2014 Energy Planning Monitoring Report