Key information
Date: Wednesday 26th January 2022
Time: 10:00am
Motion detail
Caroline Russell AM proposed, and Sian Berry AM seconded, the following motion:
"This Assembly notes:
- that it has previously agreed no junction that has signals to control motor traffic should lack a signal-protected pedestrian crossing.
- that in 2020 all parties on the Assembly spoke warmly about proposals for more free public toilets on the transport system.
This Assembly therefore calls on the Mayor in his final draft consolidated budget for 2022-23 to fund public realm improvements for Londoners and visitors, by providing new free public toilets and new pedestrian crossings."
Following debate and upon being put to the vote, the motion was agreed, with 12 votes being cast in favour and 0 votes being cast against.
Response to motion
Mayor's Response to Motion
Mayor's Response to Motion