Learn English at Home |
Telephone: 020 8255 6144
Website: https://www.leah.org.uk/
Migrant Help |
- Immigration Advice
- Other (Asylum Claim services and support, EU & Refugee and Interpretation and translation services)
Telephone: 0808 8010 503
Website: https://www.migranthelpuk.org/
National Zakat Foundation |
- Welfare/ Benefits
- Other (Grants for Muslims (known as "Zakat")
Website: https://nzf.org.uk/ |
Refugees at Home |
Housing |
Telephone: 0300 365 4724
Website: https://www.refugeesathome.org/
Together with Migrant Children |
- Welfare/ Benefits
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
- Housing
- Other (Specialist support for Migrant Children)
Telephone: 01865528658
Website: http://www.togethermigrantchildren.org.uk
Voice of Domestic Workers |
- Employment
- English Language Support
- Health
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
Website: https://www.thevoiceofdomesticworkers.com/
West London Centre for Counselling |
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
Telephone: 0300 123 1156 (or 020 8563 2159)
Website: http://www.wlcc.org.uk/
Hong Kong Business Hub |
- Other (Promote and safeguard the interests of the Hong Kong entrepreneurial community in the UK)
Website: https://www.hkbusinesshub.net/ |
RefuAid |
- Employment
- English Language Support
- Other (Finance)
Mobile: 07443819831
Website: https://refuaid.org/
RefuNet |
Mobile: 07341162571
Website: https://www.refunet.co.uk/
Settled |
- Immigration Advice,
- Other (help with access to benefits, healthcare and housing where the underlying problem is immigration)
Telephone: 0330 223 5336
Website: https://settled.org.uk
Advocate |
- Other (Supports free legal help from barristers for people who cannot get public funding (legal aid) and cannot afford to pay.
Telephone: 020 7092 3960
Website: https://weareadvocate.org.uk/ |
Talent Beyond Boundaries UK |
Mobile: 07467862321
Website: https://www.talentbeyondboundaries.org/
Croydon Care for Calais |
- Other (Supports with clothing, food parcels, phones and providing signposts to other support networks)
Mobile: 07919800600
Website: https://care4calais.org/
Groundwork |
- Employment
- English Language Support
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
- Other (Community/Cultural Integration)
Telephone: 020 7922 1230
Website: https://www.groundwork.org.uk/projects
West London Welcome |
- Immigration Advice
- Welfare/ Benefits
- English Language Support
- Housing
Website: https://www.westlondonwelcome.com |
HostNation |
- English Language Support
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
- Other (Befriending)
Website: https://www.hostnation.org.uk/ |
UK Welcomes Refugees |
- Immigration Advice
- Welfare/ Benefits
- Employment
- English Language Support
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
Mobile: 07895512451
Website: https://ukwelcomesrefugees.org/
Happy Baby Community |
- Other (community of support for women who have fled from violence or traffickers, are pregnant or with a young child ,and are seeking international protection in the UK.)
Mobile: 07394609388
Website: https://www.happybabycommunity.org.uk/
- Immigration Advice
- Welfare/ Benefits
- Employment
- English Language Support
- Health
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
- Housing
- Other (Cultural Diversity)
Mobile: 07470322262
Website: https://www.kayav.org
Latin American Women's Rights Service |
- Welfare/ Benefits
- English Language Support
- Wellbeing / Mental Health
- Housing
- Other (Advice, Advocacy, Emotional & Practical Support to Latin American Women who are experiencing or have experienced any form of Gender-Based Violence)
Telephone: 0808 145 4909
Website: https://lawrs.org.uk/
Sebby's Corner |
Telephone: 020 3475 7071
Website: http://www.sebbyscorner.co.uk