London Drugs Commission - Terms of Reference
Purpose of the London Drugs Commission
The Misuse of Drugs Act is now 50 years old and our approach to tackling drugs, and the harm they cause, has been largely consistent throughout that period. But drugs remain a scourge on society and a significant driver of violent crime. It is time for a fresh look and new ideas on the legal framework in the UK, to consider what is needed to reduce the harm caused by drugs in society.
The purpose of the London Drugs Commission will be to assess the latest evidence on the effectiveness of our drugs laws – with a specific focus on cannabis. It will analyse alternative policy options and instigate an overdue national debate on this important issue. The Commission’s findings will aim to inform and drive effective and lasting change and will build on research already commissioned by the Mayor of London to assess the effectiveness of cannabis enforcement in tackling violence across the capital.
Scope of the Commission
The Commission will consider the impact and effect of current cannabis laws on crime, particularly violent crime, public health and economic outcomes. It will explore police enforcement of those laws, and look at support and treatment services for addicts, seeking to improve understanding of these issues.
The Commission will examine the latest evidence from the UK and across the globe on the harms of cannabis, the best methods of prevention, the most effective criminal justice responses (including in terms of tackling organised crime), the public health benefits of different approaches and any other relevant factors.
Informed by comparative research and oral and written evidence, the Commission will make recommendations for the best ways to improve the current legal framework and practice in the following areas:
- The legal framework for regulating the use of cannabis;
- Criminal justice responses – legal enforcement and regulation;
- Public health responses – prevention; risk factors; treatment and support systems; and
- Any other areas the Commission determine relevant.
The Commission will report to the Mayor of London with policy recommendations for City Hall, the Government, the police, the criminal justice system and public health services. Those recommendations will include how best to ameliorate practice in London within the existing legal framework.
The Commission will not consider the legalisation of Class A drugs which the Mayor has been clear must remain illegal.
Consultations and submissions will be invited, and expert parties will be given the opportunity to provide evidence.
The Commission will report to the Mayor within 12 months, setting out its conclusions and recommendations. These will subsequently be published by the Mayor.
The Mayor has appointed Lord Charlie Falconer as the Chair of the Commission, and will subsequently appoint at least one Deputy Chair. Commission members will be appointed for a period of 12 months.
Commission members will be supported by an independent expert reference group comprising individuals appointed for their expertise, knowledge and experience in the fields of law, criminal justice, public health, community relations and academia. The Chair will appoint the members of the Expert Reference Group.