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The cranes rising above new blocks of luxury apartments are the Mayor's solution to our housing crisis. But they benefit wealthy investor landlords more than people looking for a home, and often make life worse for low income Londoners.
The Mayor actively encourages investor landlords buying new homes, whether they are overseas buyers or buy-to-let landlords from the UK. He has good reasons for this – they help get the homes built.
In this report, I explain why the Mayor is wedded to this approach. But I also argue that the model has five flaws with five fateful consequences:
- investors, rather than occupiers, buy the homes, leaving most Londoners with little choice but a lifetime of insecure renting
- housing wealth trickles into a smaller number of hands, including people who don’t even live in the homes they buy
- homes are unnecessarily demolished, pushing low income Londoners out
- residents are trampled on, rather than being empowered as the Mayor says he wants
- very little affordable housing is built, leading to a severe social housing shortage
Download the report - Crumbs for Londoners?
You can also read more about the report in this blog on Left Foot Forward, and this editorial in the Observer.