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  • Promoting bus services (1)

    • Reference: 2023/3983
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    As part of the launch of Transport for London (TfL) Superloop services there have been new, giant 3D roundels added to bus stops along with other eye-catching communications. There are, however, few available maps that show how Superloop and other bus services connect with stations. What would be the cost of updating spider maps for every station in London to reflect current services?
  • Promoting bus services (2)

    • Reference: 2023/3984
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    As part of the launch of Transport for London (TfL) Superloop services there have been new, giant 3D roundels added to bus stops along with other eye-catching communications. Could TfL now consider further measures to brand buses, perhaps by branding feeder buses to match the services they link to such as the Elizabeth Line?
  • Pedestrian crossings out of action due to collisions (2)

    • Reference: 2023/3985
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    A constituent has contacted me concerned that pedestrian and cycling crossings are staying out of action for several days after they have been damaged by collisions from vehicles. How long would a pedestrian crossing need to be out of action for Transport for London (TfL) to consider it necessary to deploy a temporary crossing?
  • Signalised junctions without any formal crossing facilities

    • Reference: 2023/3986
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/3943, in which you said that Transport for London (TfL) data showed there were 224 junctions in London with no signalised pedestrian facilities. Could you provide a full list of the current junctions where there are no signalised pedestrian facilities?
  • Promoting alternatives to driving at the Silvertown Road Tunnel

    • Reference: 2023/3987
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    Officers from Transport for London (TfL) have sought authorisation from the Department for Transport (DfT) for signs that will communicate the tolls at the Blackwall and Silvertown Road Tunnels from 2025. A bus fare at £1.75 is set to be cheaper than any toll. Will you ask TfL to now include information alongside these signs on cost of alternatives to driving through these tunnels that are available such as the cable car, walking and cycling bus, and local services, and the likely travel time for them?
  • Reviewing toll levels at the Blackwall and Silvertown Road Tunnels against inflation

    • Reference: 2023/3988
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    Consumer inflation is currently 6.3 per cent and peaked as high as 9.6 per cent in the past year. How will Transport for London (TfL) consider inflation when reviewing the effectiveness of tolls at the Blackwall and Silvertown Road Tunnels?
  • Identifying dangerous roads in London (1)

    • Reference: 2023/3989
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    How does Transport for London (TfL) identify roads that are dangerous, and does it consider traffic that uses minor residential roads rather than main roads to be a significant source of road danger?
  • Identifying dangerous roads in London (2)

    • Reference: 2023/3990
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    Are there any remaining Quietway routes that Transport for London (TfL) considers having excessive traffic for cycling to be suitable for signing as a Cycleway, and how is this being addressed?
  • Monitoring of the queues at the Blackwall Tunnel and the London Cable Car

    • Reference: 2023/3991
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    A constituent has written to me concerned that they are delayed by lengthy queues on the London Cable Car when travelling north in the evening from Silvertown because most users of the cable car are making a round trip from Greenwich. You have repeatedly made comment on having data about lengthy queues at the Blackwall Road Tunnel. Could you give me all data on Transport for London (TfL) have on queues at the London Cable Car and the Blackwall Road Tunnel since 2016?
  • Silvertown Tunnel Implementation Group (3)

    • Reference: 2023/3992
    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 12 October 2023
    I understand that the Silvertown Tunnel Implementation Group met for an extra, tenth meeting, on 21 September 2023. Are there any further meetings of this group scheduled, and what further engagement with local councils do you have planned?