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  • popularity of the Bus Hopper fare since launch

    • Reference: 2020/2372
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    Your September 2019 Press Release says, “A table of the figures associated with the graph of Hopper journeys by borough is available from the TfL Press Office”. Are you able to place the latest figures on the TfL website and keep those figures updated?
  • Metropolitan Line Extension

    • Reference: 2020/2373
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    In February 2018 City AM reported on an exchange of letters between yourself and Chris Grayling MP/Sajid Javid MP. Can you provide me with a copy of those letters and any further correspondence between you, or the Deputy Mayor for Transport, and the Secretary of State for Transport, relating to the Metropolitan Line Extension?
  • Electrical Vehicle Charging Points within Staff & Company Car Parks

    • Reference: 2020/2374
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    According to FOI-0975-1819 there were no Electrical Vehicle Charging Points for staff across TfL sites and just 31 Electrical Vehicle Charging Points for the support fleet. Can you provide an update on the figures and confirm what plans, if any, you have to install Electrical Vehicle Charging Points for staff use?
  • Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf Ferry

    • Reference: 2020/2375
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    Given an all-electric ferry has been operating in Turku, Finland since April 2017 will you ensure that the new Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf ferry is all-electric?
  • Road Safety Data (1)

    • Reference: 2020/2376
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    Transport for London – Casualties in Greater London during 2017 factsheet says, “Figures in italics show estimated percentage change in casualties which take into account changes in the reporting of collisions by the police and the introduction of online collision self-reporting. The shaded areas show back estimated figures for the number of serious, slight and all casualties during 2016 and the 2005-09 baseline. Back estimates contain a level of uncertainty and will be refined as more collision data collected using new reporting systems becomes available from the police.” What are the latest back estimates for the 2005-09 average, 2010, 2011...
  • Road Safety Data (2)

    • Reference: 2020/2377
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    When will you publish the Collisions and casualties on London's roads (tables) 2018? And the Collisions and casualties on London's roads (tables) 2019?
  • Road Safety Data (3)

    • Reference: 2020/2378
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    The Quarterly provisional figures that have been published cover Q1-Q3 2014, Q1-Q3 2015, Q1-Q2 2016, Q1-Q3 2017, Q1-Q2 2018 and Q1-Q2 2019. Why were Q3 figures not published in 2016, 2018 or 2019?
  • Road Safety Data (4)

    • Reference: 2020/2379
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    TfL publishes Provisional Road Fatalities data covering 2019 and 2020. Why do they not also publish data covering serious and slight injuries as well?
  • London Datastore

    • Reference: 2020/2380
    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 16 July 2020
    Please can you update the London Datastore with the latest data regarding; Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) and KSI by Road User Type Last updated in 2014 Cycle Flows on the TFL Road Network Last updated in 2016 Journey Time Reliability… Last updated in 2018 Serious and Severe Disruption on the Roads… Last updated in 2018
  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    Dr Alison Moore AM: Thank you very much, Chair. My question is for Niran Mothada. London’s transport system is critical to the functioning of the city, as we all know. How will your Board marry up the impact that COVID-19 is having on transport, both its finances and how Londoners will move about in the future, with individual and business needs so that London remains open?