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  • EV Charging Points

    • Reference: 2024/1606
    • Question by: Thomas Turrell
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2024
    There are currently around 18,500 electric vehicle charging points in London that were installed with the help of Government funding. When do you believe you will reach the 40,000 figure as set out in your manifesto?
  • Water Pollution in London

    • Reference: 2024/1250
    • Question by: Hina Bokhari
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2024
    In July 2020, you stated your goal of reducing water pollution incidents in London by 30% by 2025. What progress have you made in achieving this goal and is 2025 still the target?
  • Water Pollution in London (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2024
    Léonie Cooper AM: Thank you. You will probably have noticed that Assembly Member Bokhari rather delightfully asked my question as it was listed, which related to the plans for swimming in the next ten years, and you have covered off some of the things that I wanted to ask about in your answer to her. I just wondered if you could talk a bit about whether or not you think the EA, which has been stripped of money and staffing, needs to be beefed up to address some of the issues that relate to the activity or indeed the inactivity...
  • Water Pollution in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Zack Polanski
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2024
    Zack Polanski AM: Thank you very much, Chair. Congratulations on your re-election and welcome back. Just before I get into the matter on hand, I just want to say, as a Jewish Londoner and a Jewish politician, to a Muslim Londoner and a Muslim politician, thank you for your solidarity during the campaign and keeping our communities together. I appreciate that and I know Londoners do too. On the matter in hand, during the election, you said that you will demand action from Thames Water. You have just said it is getting things wrong and that it needs to do...
  • London’s Rivers

    • Reference: 2024/1339
    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2024
    Your Manifesto included a pledge to make rivers in London swimmable by 2034. In March this year, participants in the Boat Race were told not to get into the water because it was so filthy. How will you deliver on your pledge?
  • 2 Million Trees Target (1)

    • Reference: 2024/1043
    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 15 March 2024
    Thank you for your response to question 2024/0819. The question was not concerned with your manifesto, however, but with the Tweet you sent on 24 November 2015 in which you stated ‘I'll plant 2m trees in London in my first term as Mayor - with a focus around our schools’, with a link to a Guardian article which carried the headline ‘Sadiq Khan promises to plant 2m trees in London if elected mayor’. Was this Tweet incorrect?
  • 2 Million Trees Target (2)

    • Reference: 2024/1044
    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 15 March 2024
    Putting your 2016 manifesto aside, was the Tweet you sent on 24 November 2015 in which you stated ‘I'll plant 2m trees in London in my first term as Mayor - with a focus around our schools’ incorrect? Would you like to take the opportunity to retract the Tweet?
  • 2 Million Trees Target (3)

    • Reference: 2024/1045
    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 15 March 2024
    Given your suggestion that we should look to your manifesto for your promises on tree planting, and not your Twitter account, do you accept the Tweet you sent on 24 November 2015 in which you stated ‘I'll plant 2m trees in London in my first term as Mayor - with a focus around our schools’ could be misleading and should be retracted?
  • 2 Million Trees Target (4)

    • Reference: 2024/1046
    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 15 March 2024
    If Londoners had not seen your 2016 manifesto, do you think they would be under the impression that you intended to plant 2 million trees based on a Tweet you sent on 24 November 2015 stating ‘I’ll plant 2m trees in London in my first term as Mayor’?
  • 2 Million Trees Target (5)

    • Reference: 2024/1047
    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 15 March 2024
    Will you accept that Tweeting ‘I’ll plant 2m trees in London in my first term as Mayor’ on 24 November 2015 was a mistake?