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  • Unitary Development Plans

    • Reference: 2001/0070-1
    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Boroughs have their own Unitary Development Plans, which provide their authorities with their planning strategy and framework. How are you going to seek to integrate your work with their plans? .
  • Richard Roger's Appointment

    • Reference: 2001/0071-1
    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Why do you believe that your appointment was a cause for concern for some members of this Assembly? .
  • Resources

    • Reference: 2001/0073-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Without serious resources, is not strategic urban design a waste of time? .
  • Strategic Views

    • Reference: 2001/0075-1
    • Question by: Meg Hillier
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Can you make a commitment to the principle of protecting views of St Paul's Cathedral when considering new tall buildings in and around the City? .
  • Views

    • Reference: 2001/0076-1
    • Question by: Samantha Heath
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    To what extant do you believe that local views and priorities, as expressed through planning policies, should be respected and to what extent do you see your role as challenging parochial interests and views? .
  • Promoting Skills (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Louise Bloom
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    You touched on your discussions with the Boroughs. I wonder if you can just give us a bit more information about what you have actually done to offer the skills and guidance of the architect to urbanisation practitioners on the ground. You have spoken in the past about the lack of skills, the skill shortage in this area, and I think some of us familiar with local government are probably all too well aware that planners and architects at borough level are not necessarily the most imaginative folk around. So how are you going to pass on some of your...
  • Promoting Skills (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Louise Bloom
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Are all the boroughs actually aware that you are here now? This is something I am not quite clear on. Have you been in touch with all the chief architects and surveyors in all the boroughs, at least to let them know what you are doing and what your plans are?
  • Promoting Skills (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Louise Bloom
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    I would not guarantee that at all. Maybe I might suggest that as well as having got in touch with Chief Executives, you actually get in touch with the people we actually want to be talking to so they know you are here and we can have some influence further down the line.
  • Promoting Skills (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Lynne Featherstone
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    There is a brownfield site in Haringey Heartlands. We had a discussion in the Chamber about it. And I have to say that to describe the outline planning permission, which is the stage it is at, as crushingly mediocre would be very kind. And damning people for God knows how many years into what I think is really -- well mediocre, as I said, would be kind. The lead member for regeneration there accused me of an elitist vision. I referred to yourself and Nicky Gavron and what we are trying to do in London and he said it was...
  • Strategic Development Locations (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Are you still intending to look for five? Or are you looking now for more than that, or is it no particular number?