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  • Local Authorities

    • Reference: 2001/0090-1
    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Given the individuality of every neighbourhood, do you feel that local people are best placed to make decisions on local issues? What extra powers would you like to see devolved to regional assemblies and local authorities? .
  • Job Opportunities

    • Reference: 2001/0091-1
    • Question by: Lynne Featherstone
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What do you think is the best way to increase job opportunities throughout London, rather than largely only in the existing core?) .
  • Vandalism

    • Reference: 2001/0093-1
    • Question by: Louise Bloom
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Even commendable new design initiatives like the Millenium Park at Mile End in East London have been hit by vandalism, graffiti and litter. In what ways do you believe we can involve local people in developing the design of their environment so that they feel ownership of it, value and defend it? .
  • Tall Buildings

    • Reference: 2001/0094-1
    • Question by: Lynne Featherstone
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What do you consider a Tall Building? .
  • Views

    • Reference: 2001/0095-1
    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    How important is the preservation of views to urban design? .
  • Architecture and Urbanism Unit

    • Reference: 2001/0097-1
    • Question by: Louise Bloom
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    Will you simply advise the mayor or do you envisage that the mayor will advise you on the work of the Architecture and Urbanism Unit? .
  • Outer London Boroughs

    • Reference: 2001/0098-1
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What support and service do you feel that you and your unit will be able to give to Outer London Boroughs seeking to re-invigorate district centres and develop key derelict sites? Specifically in South London what kind of action do you feel could be pursued to boost district centres like Norbury, Coulsdon, Purley, Worcester Park and Wallington that sit astride key FtL roads full of heavy traffic and to get development off the ground at key sites like the Croydon Gateway site at East Croydon? .
  • High Density Housing

    • Reference: 2001/0052-1
    • Question by: Eric Ollerenshaw
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What evidence do you have that Londoners want to live in high density areas? .
  • Public Transport

    • Reference: 2001/0055-1
    • Question by: Angie Bray
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    In 1992 you wrote with Mark Fisher: "Severely limiting cars in London could be effective only if investment were made in high quality public alternatives." (A New London, Penguin London 1992 p xxiii). What investment has been made in public transport in the last four years and what investment do you believe is still needed before car use can be reduced? (A New London, 1992) .
  • Performance Indicators

    • Reference: 2001/0069-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What changes to London would Lord Rogers like to have taken place by the end of his contract? .