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  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Unmesh Desai
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Unmesh Desai AM: Thank you, Chair. Good morning to the panel. My main question is to Tunde [Olayinka] and Hannah [Boylan] and it is about modern slavery. Modern slavery was described by the Archbishop of Westminster, I think in 2016 or 2017, as “the dark underbelly of London’s society”. That still remains the case, although there is a growing and welcome recognition of the issue. In the context of modern slavery, how is it impacting today on refugee communities and what is the LSMP doing to address it? If you want to start off, Tunde [Olayinka], and then if I...
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Emma Best AM: I think so. Thanks, Chair. Yes, I was just trying to work out Deputy Mayor [Tom] Copley’s political neutrality, which seemed a lot stronger when he was talking to Assembly Member [Tony] Devenish than Assembly Member [Unmesh] Desai.
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Marina Ahmad
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Marina Ahmad AM: Thank you, Chair. Good morning, panel. Enver, you spoke earlier about ESOL provision. As you know, ESOL provision was cut through Government austerity by almost 60% before the devolution of the AEB. What impact has this had and should the Government dedicate additional funding to the AEB to rectify the shortfall?
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Onkar Sahota
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Dr Onkar Sahota AM (Deputy Chair in the Chair): Thank you. I am now going to ask a question in my own right. It is to Hannah. Failure to access to healthcare is not only detrimental for the individual but it also has public health challenges for Londoners. We have heard access to healthcare come up a number of times in the proceedings this morning. Has the GLA been doing any work on helping refugees and asylum seekers access the NHS system? If yes, what has that work been?
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [15]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Léonie Cooper AM: Thank you very much, Chair. I would like to start with a question to Deputy Mayor Tom Copley, if I may. Hi, Tom. Last year, the Mayor said as the Chair of the C40 Cities Group, “One of my priorities is taking urgent action to address the causes and devastating human cost of forced migration created by the climate emergency”. I wondered if you could outline what actions overall the Mayor has taken in London since then?
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [16]

    • Question by: Zack Polanski
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Zack Polanski AM: Thank you very much, Chair. Good afternoon, panel. Enver, if I can begin with you, I have met recently also with the Joint Council for Welfare of Immigrants. I also went to a protest recently with Reclaim the Sea and spoke to lots of people with lived experience of the system. Something that came up over and over again that you have echoed today is the barrier of not speaking English. In fact, recent census data shows that 303,000 Londoners do not speak English well and 52,000 Londoners do not speak English at all. Page 32 You...
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London (Supplementary) [17]

    • Question by: Lord Bailey of Paddington
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    Lord Bailey of Paddington AM: Thank you, Chair. This is for Enver. Earlier on in the conversation, Enver, we talked about asylum seekers’ rights to work and the length of time and people wanted to have it shortened. You said for a length of time, but you did not give a length of time. What to you, would be workable, ideal, something around that region?
  • Question and Answer Session: Refugees in London

    • Reference: 2023/3600
    • Question by: Chair, London Assembly
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2023
    What are the key issues facing refugees in London in 2023?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Mr Mayor, on 25 July there was an item on Crossrail in the private section of the TfL Board, which you chair, as well as the public section. Were any concerns raised? As Simon has outlined, the programme is building up and you are getting concerned. Were any concerns raised there about the possibility of delay in the opening?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM: Finally, time is money in the construction sector. There will inevitably be an additional cost with this delay. Who is going to be picking up that bill, is it TfL and Londoners or is it going to be the DfT?