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  • Failing criminal justice system

    • Reference: 2007/0128-1
    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    In October, the latest Home Office quarterly crime figures showed that public confidence in the criminal justice system was falling, with only 34% believing the courts and the police meet the needs of crime victims and only 24% believing it is good at dealing with young people accused of crime. * What measures have you got in place to restore public confidence in the London police force? * What are the initiatives are you already undertaking that you can point to in order to rebut the pubic perception that the police is dealing with young suspects in an inadequate way?
  • Flights

    • Reference: 2007/0129-1
    • Question by: Darren Johnson
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Do you have clear environmental guidelines that have to be considered when authorising travel, and in what ways do they encourage rail and telephone conferencing as preferred options to short haul flights?
  • Wildlife Crime Unit

    • Reference: 2007/0130-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    The Greater London Authority Group Budget and Sustainable Development report (September 2007) concluded that 'the proposed cuts (to the Wildlife Crime Unit) could result in the loss of extremely valuable partnership and preventative initiatives as well as losing an essential central resource'. Do you agree that cuts to the Wildlife Crime Unit would undermine the environmental performance of the Metropolitan Police? Will you now agree to reverse the proposed cuts even if sponsorship funding does not materialize?
  • Tasers

    • Reference: 2007/0131-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    How many times have Metropolitan Police officers made use of Tasar stun guns each year since their introduction? How do you expect this to change following the trial of issuing Tasars to non-firearms trained officers?
  • Sponsorship funding

    • Reference: 2007/0132-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Can you list the types of police work that receive sponsorship funding and give the sums raised for each type of work over the last three years?
  • Rape investigations

    • Reference: 2007/0133-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Following the Metropolitan Police Service's review of the handling of rape investigations, can you outline the changes that have been made in the approach to rape cases? To what extent have these changes led to improved outcomes, especially in terms of the proportion of cases resulting in successful prosecutions?
  • Road traffic policing

    • Reference: 2007/0134-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    What is the role of Safer Neighbourhood Teams in carrying out enforcement action against illegal drivers? What support and encouragement are they given by the Traffic Operational Command Unit or other specialist officers? Do local public consultation exercises by Safer Neighbourhood Teams routinely include road traffic policing as an option for priority work?
  • MPS Recruitment

    • Reference: 2007/0135-1
    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Would you say that the MPS is struggling to recruit from BME communities? If so, what do you see as the biggest hurdle in tackling the problem?
  • MPS Investment Board Fund

    • Reference: 2007/0136-1
    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Can you outline the function of the Investment Board Fund?
  • MPS Operational Services

    • Reference: 2007/0137-1
    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    Can you outline the function of Operational Services?