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  • Government Delivery of Mayoral Policies (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 20 June 2012
    Thank you, Chair. Mr Mayor, residents in Havering, particularly the eastern part of Havering, are aggrieved that the toll on the Dartford Crossing has been extended beyond the time at which it was supposed to become free. In other words, they were promised they would be paying a toll to cross the river for a certain number of years and the Department for Transport has decided it will continue to apply the toll after that time. Just to add insult to injury, residents of Thurrock of Dartford get a discount for using the Crossing whereas London residents do not. Next...
  • Government Delivery of Mayoral Policies (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 20 June 2012
    Of course. You have actually pre-empted a question I was going to ask about Euston's ability to cope without Crossrail 2 if HS2 does go ahead. Do you think it is the case, then, that HS2 cannot go ahead into Euston if we do not get Crossrail 2?
  • Concern (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 20 June 2012
    How many will there be?
  • Concern (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Andrew Dismore
    • Meeting date: 20 June 2012
    All right, OK, well I do not think I want to dispute that, but I think if I accepted, and from what you say, that it is part of your responsibility too to make sure that cyclists are kept safe and this blame-the-cyclist routine is something of a smokescreen to divert attention from that responsibility. I will give you a specific example: Henly's Corner. I am sure you are familiar with it because you visited it during the election and with a great fanfare you claimed credit for the remodelling of the junction, but in fact it is a lot...