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  • PPP

    • Reference: 2005/0022-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 06 April 2005
    What is your assessment of the current state of the PPP?
  • North London Line

    • Reference: 2005/0042-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 06 April 2005
    Can you outline your plans for improvements to the North London Line?
  • Vandalism on Buses

    • Reference: 2005/0062-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 06 April 2005
    Further to my previous question asked in 2003 (1032/2003), please can you advise what progress has been made to tackle the epidemic of vandalism on buses in South East London, and whether offences have decreased as a result.
  • Implementation and Partnerships

    • Reference: 2002/0199-1
    • Question by: Samantha Heath
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    How are partners being engaged to deliver on his responsibilities? .
  • Recycling Rates

    • Reference: 2002/0217-1
    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    Much of the draft waste strategy, rightly, concentrates on improving recycling rates on some of the worst performing boroughs in London. What incentives are there for Councils already achieving pretty high rates of recycling? .
  • Recycling Rates

    • Reference: 2002/0222-1
    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    What funding have you and/or the Mayor been able to secure from Central Government to help improve recycling rates across London? Given all the statements that both you and the Mayor have made on this topic, does incineration have any place in the future disposal of London's waste? .
  • Incinerators

    • Reference: 2002/0231-1
    • Question by: Darren Johnson
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    Is the Mayor's waste strategy strong enough to avoid the need for new incinerators in London? .
  • Single Waste Disposal Authority

    • Reference: 2002/0273-1
    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    The Draft Municipal Waste Strategy sets out a desire to create a single waste disposal authority for London. Bearing in mind many boroughs are already engaged in long-term waste contracts, how do you intend to create this single authority and how will it work? .
  • Consultation

    • Reference: 2002/0220-1
    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    How are you engaging in consultation with existing waste disposal authorities in London, and how are these consultations going? .
  • Kerbside Collections

    • Reference: 2002/0223-1
    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    Are you certain you and your officers really understand the problems involved in increasing recycling rates by using kerbside collections only? .