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  • Tramlink replacement signage

    • Reference: 2003/0133
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    Would money spent on new signs of a different green shade at Tramlink stations have been better spent on items like tram cleansing, more readable timetables or tram junction improvements? What was the cost of the work on replacing the signs? How many signs were replaced? Where have the old signs gone? .
  • Tramlink

    • Reference: 2003/0134
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    Please could you advise as to the current state of thinking on proposals to extend Tramlink.
  • Sleeping Policemen

    • Reference: 2003/0135
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    What is your view on the balance of the number of lives saved each year through the road safety implications of `sleeping policemen on London's roads and the number of lives lost through the impeding of emergency vehicles through the same `sleeping policemen'? .
  • Long Term bus fare strategy

    • Reference: 2003/0137
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    I noted that the minutes of the TfL board meeting of 20th March >reported that 'concern was expressed regarding long term bus fare >strategy. It was >noted that London Buses would be preparing a paper dealing with this.' > >When will that paper come forward ? .
  • Penalty Charge notice in Croydon

    • Reference: 2003/0138
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    Why has the Joint Arrangement with the London Borough of Croydon for the operation of a Penalty Charge Notice processing and recovery system been extended to 31 March 2004 ? Will the London Borough of Croydon be permitted to bid in the tendering of the processing service for the period from April 2004 ? .
  • Overcrowding on the Tube

    • Reference: 2003/0140
    • Question by: Lynne Featherstone
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    What methods do you believe will be most effective in giving passengers more space within Tube carriages especially at peak hours? How do you plan to work with the infracos to prevent passengers being crammed up against each other? .
  • Reducing Tube delays

    • Reference: 2003/0141
    • Question by: Lynne Featherstone
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    What do you believe will be the most effective way of reducing passenger journey delays? By how much do you expect to have reduced passenger journey delays over the next five years? .
  • Overcrowding on Platforms

    • Reference: 2003/0142
    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    What steps do you plan to take to avoid dangerous overcrowding on platforms? .
  • Safety on the Tube

    • Reference: 2003/0143
    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    Do you have plans to make it safer, especially for vulnerable passengers, to travel on the Underground late at night " not only on trains and within stations, but also within the vicinity of Tube stations? .
  • Disabled access on the Tube

    • Reference: 2003/0144
    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 11 June 2003
    How many Tube stations will be made fully accessible for disabled people over the next five years? .