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Updating your Environment Strategy (8)

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Meeting: MQT on 20 June 2024
Session name: MQT on 20/06/2024 between 10:00 and 13:00
Reference: 2024/1875
Question by: Zack Polanski
Organisation: City Hall Greens
Asked of: The Mayor
Category: Environment


Updating your Environment Strategy (8)

Thank you for your answer to my question 2023/0292, in which you said a decision on any further update to the Environment Strategy would come after the 2024 Mayoral election. As we are now past that election, could you give an update on the process you will follow for either updating the Environment Strategy or the associated implementation plan?


Date: Friday 5 July 2024

Preparations to update or develop a new Environment Strategy and / or the associated implementation plan, including its planning horizon, will be subject to a decision following formal agreement of the GLA’s work priorities with the Mayor’s office and with the new Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy when they are appointed.

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Question Reference Date
Updating your Environment Strategy 2023/0292 19 January 2023
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