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London Assembly publications

  • Parking enforcement in London

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The London Assemble investigate parking enforcement in London

  • Tube PPP

    Page type: Publication

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    The London Assembly Transport Committee has released a report on the progress of renewal of the London Underground.

  • Capital Life

    Page type: Publication

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    Commission Members from the Association of London Government and London Assembly have set out a new plan for London

  • Power to the People

    Page type: Publication

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    Climate change is a serious problem yet many Londoners have found installing renewable energy in their homes difficult

  • Down the Drain: London's water supply and usage

    Page type: Publication

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    Londoners could face water shortages within the next 10 years unless water companies address problems with the demand-su

  • Under pressure - water pressure management in London

    Page type: Publication

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    This report focuses on a number of serious concerns over the impact of a possible reduction in water pressure in London

  • Proposed Congestion Charge Increase

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The Mayor answered questions put to him by the Transport Committee on his proposals to raise the Congestion Charge to £8

  • Tennis in London

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The Assembly has investigated what is being done by sport bodies and local authorities to increase tennis participation

  • London's Rickshaws

    Page type: Publication

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    The Transport Committee has looked into the role that rickshaws have to play on the streets of London

  • Greater London Authority Elections the 2004 Elections Review Committee

    Page type: Publication

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    The report contains the findings and recommendations of the Committee.

  • Down the Uxbridge Road

    Page type: Publication

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    This report contains the Committee’s response to the proposed West London tram scheme

  • The London Ambulance Service

    Page type: Publication

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    This is the first joint scrutiny between the London Assembly, Association of London Government, and the London Boroughs.

  • Implementing the Municipal Waste Management Strategy

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    How London tackles its waste is a critical issue not only for us but also for the future of London

  • Protecting the City Environment

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Poll after poll shows that clean, safe streets, parks and public spaces are a priority for Londoners.

  • Designs on London

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The design and quality of London’s built environment is a key to its future prosperity

  • London's got the hump

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    For the first time in London a comprehensive scrutiny of speed humps has been conducted by the Transport Committee

  • Living with the virus

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    London has a higher proportion of people living with HIV than any other city in the UK

  • Transport budget plans for 2004/05

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    This report examines the changes in budget plans for 2004/05 between the Mayor's Consultation and Draft Budgets 2004/05.

  • Young London speaks

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Young people give their views on issues affecting the street environment and what can be done to improve it.

  • EU Directives affecting waste electrical and electronic equipment

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    This report discusses the key issues which need to be addressed in order to implement the three EU Directives on waste