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London Assembly publications

  • Looked after children

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Health & Public Services Committee held a meeting about the experiences and outcomes of London's looked after children.

  • Whose brand is it anyway?

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    We're asking the Mayor to explore options for publishing details of the cycle hire contract with Barclays.

  • Sold Out?

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    We want answers from the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) about the ticketing process.

  • Our scrutiny of the Mayor's budget-setting process - 2012/13

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Budget and Performance Committee is responsible for scrutinising the Mayor's budget-setting process.

  • How well the transport network coped in the snow

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    How well plans to keep services running during the snow on the weekend of 4 and 5 February worked.

  • Electric vehicles in London

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Charging Ahead finds more work must be done to achieve the Mayor's vision of London as Europe's electric car capital.

  • Transport for London's customer service

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    TfL has made progress on improving its customer service - but more needs to be done.

  • Railway embankments

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    What could be done to protect and enhance land near railway lines?

  • Response to the Mayor's draft 2012/13 budget

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The Mayor should set out the savings he expects from the MOPC in his revised 2012/13 budget proposals, we argue.

  • Correspondence on TfL sponsorship

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Read the letter from our Committee Chair John Biggs, TfL’s response and TfL’s guidance for assessing potential sponsors:

  • Mental health

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The importance of including mental health in the capital.

  • Bleak Houses: Improving London’s private rented housing

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Our report sets out measures aimed at improving conditions for the one in four Londoners who rent.

  • The future of the London Ambulance Service

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    The LAS should work more closely with the capital’s police, fire and transport organisations to find efficiencies.

  • Plugging the Energy Gap

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Government should work with London to help build power stations and halve carbon emissions, the report argues.

  • Assembly response to the Draft GLA Budget 2012/13

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Our Budget and Performance Committee has responded on behalf of the Assembly to the Draft GLA Budget for 2012/13.

  • Riot regeneration funding

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Government funding for riot compensation should be recurring and not just a one-off, we argue.

  • Park Life: The legacy of London's Olympic venues

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    How to ensure that the Games venues attract Londoners post-Games?

  • The Royal Parks

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Increasing openness and transparency around the governance of the Royal Parks.

  • The future of ticketing

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Oyster and contactless could mean 1 in 5 people who do not have a credit or debit card miss out on cheaper fares.

  • Rail industry plans

    Page type: Publication

    • Publication date:

    Our Transport Committee responds to the rail industry’s Initial Industry Plan (IIP) for England and Wales.