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London Assembly Annual Report 2019 - 2020

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:


During 2019 - 2020:

  • We investigated hate crime in the capital, highlighting that up to 50 hate crimes are reported a day in London. We spoke to ex-England footballer Carlton Cole about his experience of hate crime and recommended that the Mayor put in place arrangements to gather detailed data on the charging, prosecution and conviction rates for each specific strand of hate crime.
  • We found that London has almost three times the amount of modern slavery cases than any other region or country in the UK. We called for the Mayor of London to work with partners to develop a coherent strategy for modern slavery, specific to London.
  • We continued our long-standing campaign against the expansion of Heathrow airport and were delighted when the High Court rules in February 2020 that a third runway should not go ahead.
  • And more.
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