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London Assembly

A helping hand?

Working outdoors

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Publication type: General

Publication date:


Addressing long-term unemployment and high unemployment levels among certain groups in London continues to challenge policy-makers.

The London Assembly Economy Committee investigated the role of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in employment and skills programmes in the capital.

We wanted to know:

  • What are the specific initiatives, or barriers, which help or hinder VCSE involvement in employment and skills programmes?
  • How could future developments, including possible further devolution, be exploited to develop a more diverse supply chain in employment and skills programmes in London?
  • How can the Mayor, central and local government ensure VCSE organisations have a role in delivering employment and support programmes in the capital?

VCSE organisations play an important role in supporting those who find it the most difficult to get a job. However a number of barriers affect VCSE involvement in employment programmes, including:

  • Financial pressures
  • Contracting arrangements
  • Concerns about the effectiveness of mandatory work placements
  • Gaps in sharing good practice

The report 'A helping hand' made a number of recommendations, including:

  • The Department for Work and Pensions should reform the payment-by-results model.
  • The Mayor and the London Enterprise Panel (LEP) should champion choice-based and voluntary approaches and call for an end to mandatory work placements.
  • The Mayor and the London Enterprise Panel should develop a shared good practice resource.
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Related documents

A Helping Hand? Final Report

A Helping Hand? Written submissions

Response from Mayor to A Helping Hand report

Response from Department for Work and Pensions