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Newly elected London Assembly appoints Chair and Deputy Chair

Created on
10 May 2024

Newly elected London Assembly appoints new Chair and Deputy Chair

Andrew Boff AM has been re-elected as the new Chair of the London Assembly, and Len Duvall OBE AM has been voted in as Deputy Chair.

The appointments were made at the Assembly’s Annual Meeting today, the first meeting of the new Assembly year.

The appointments were made at the Assembly’s Annual Meeting today, the first meeting of the new Assembly year.

Andrew Boff AM will be serving his second consecutive term as London Assembly Chair, having been elected as Chair for the 2023-24 Assembly Year. He also chaired the Assembly from 2021-22.

Andrew Boff AM, Chair of the London Assembly, said:

“I am thrilled to have been trusted with the responsibility of continuing in my role as Chair of the London Assembly for the coming year.

“As the Mayor starts his third term in office, we will ensure that he is properly scrutinised and held to account for his decisions and actions – and that he is delivering on the issues that matter most to Londoners.

“I am particularly looking forward to building on our efforts to help young Londoners have their say at the Assembly on the topics that matters to them, and making sure that their experiences and needs are reflected in our work.”

The Assembly also agreed the membership and Chairs of its committees, which will carry out investigations on topics from policing, to health, housing, the environment and many other areas which affect the lives of Londoners. The meeting can be watched back here.


Committees, Chairs and Deputy Chairs are as follows:

Audit Panel (4 Members)
Chairman: Neil Garratt AM
Deputy Chair: Bassam Mahfouz AM

Budget and Performance Committee (9 Members)
Chairman: Neil Garratt AM
Deputy Chair: Krupesh Hirani AM

Confirmation Hearings Committee (5 Members)

Economy, Culture and Skills Committee (7 Members)
Chair: Marina Ahmad AM
Deputy Chairman: Alessandro Georgiou AM

Environment Committee (7 Members)
Chair: Zack Polanski AM
Deputy Chair: Leonie Cooper AM

Fire Committee (6 Members)
Chair: Hina Bokhari AM

Deputy Chairman: Susan Hall AM

GLA Oversight Committee (9 Members)
Chairman: Emma Best AM
Deputy Chair: Caroline Russell AM

Health Committee (5 Members)
Chair: Krupesh Hirani AM
Deputy Chairman: Emma Best AM

Housing Committee (6 Members)
Chair: Sem Moema AM
Deputy Chair: Zoë Garbett AM

Planning and Regeneration Committee (6 Members)
Chairman: Andrew Boff AM
Deputy Chair: Sem Moema AM

Police and Crime Committee (9 Members)
Chairman: Susan Hall AM
Deputy Chair: Gareth Roberts AM

Transport Committee (9 Members)
Chair: Elly Baker AM
Deputy Chair: Caroline Russell AM

Full Membership of each Committee and terms of reference can be found here.

Notes to editors


Notes to editors

  1. The London Assembly is made up of 25 politicians from five political parties: 11 Labour AMs; 8 Conservative AMs; 3 Green Party AMs; 2 Liberal Democrat AMs; 1 Reform Party UK AM
  2. For details on upcoming Committee meetings, see our public meeting calendar.
  3. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

For more information, please contact Josh Hunt in the Assembly Media Office on 07763 252310 or [email protected]. For out of hours media enquiries please call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the Assembly duty press officer.

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