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Keep the green belt green - Assembly urges

People walk along a wide tree lied path in a London park.
Created on
05 September 2024

The London Assembly has today warned against government plans to weaken green belt protections in its draft National Planning Policy Framework.

In a motion agreed today, the Assembly called for the government to review and provide clarity on how the proposed ‘grey belt’ designation will be defined.

The motion also stated that brownfield land should be the priority for new housing development, considering the importance of the green belt for the environment, biodiversity and quality of life.

Alessandro Georgiou AM, who proposed the motion, said:

"I am deeply concerned about the government's proposals to weaken green belt protections, which could have significant negative impacts on London’s environment and quality of life.

“The green belt is essential in preserving London’s beautiful green spaces and preventing urban sprawl.

“By supporting this motion, the Assembly has reaffirmed our desire to protect these vital areas and for new housing developments to prioritise brownfield sites.

“I strongly urge the government to maintain the robust protections that have served London’s green belt well for decades."

The full text of the motion is:

The Assembly notes with concern the government’s proposals to weaken green belt protections in its draft National Planning Policy Framework. The Assembly notes the importance of London’s green belt for the environment, biodiversity and quality of life, and as a barrier to urban sprawl.

The Assembly notes and supports the strong protections in the London Plan for the green belt and Metropolitan Open Land and policies to resist de-designation, and would not wish to see these protections weakened, either in the London Plan or in borough local plans. The priority for new housing development should be brownfield land.

The Assembly is particularly concerned about the proposed new ‘grey belt’ designation, and its potential to incentivise landowners to make their green belt land derelict in order to qualify for grey belt status, thus presenting a threat to the wider green belt.

The Assembly therefore calls for the government to review and provide clarity on how the proposed ‘grey belt’ designation will be defined, maintain the strong and longstanding protections for London’s Green Belt, and for the Mayor to make strong representations to the government to this effect.”

The meeting can be viewed via webcast or YouTube

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Notes to editors

  1. The motion was agreed unanimously.
  2. Alessandro Georgiou AM, who proposed the motion, is available for interview.
  3. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

For more details, please contact Alison Bell in the Assembly Media Office on 07887 832 918. For out of hours media enquiries please call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the Assembly duty press officer.

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