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Publication from Caroline Russell: Expand the Streetspace programme for Tier 4 lockdown

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Publication type: General

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Dear Sadiq,

The Tier 4 lockdown is another blow to Londoners after a very tough year. It also serves as a reminder of how important your Streetspace programme will be. The policy has created the room needed for people to move safely around our city while maintaining social distancing precautions. It is a blueprint of a more inclusive city, where it is safe and convenient for children, older and disabled people to walk and cycle, less hindered by vehicle pollution.

I hope you will build on these successes and transform more of London’s roads through the next phase of the pandemic. As people continue to live locally it is crucial that they can get about safely and avoid travelling by car. Londoners will need more space to relax outside their homes, and quieter streets provide refuge from our now very crowded parks.

I am writing today to ask that you expand the rollout of Streetspace while maintaining existing measures. This includes widening more pavements to provide accessible space around shops for social distancing and building more protected bike routes for people of all ages.

I believe your actions here can make our city a far safer and more liveable place for all Londoners over the difficult months to come.

Yours sincerely,

Caroline Russell AM

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