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On Friday 29 September, the Deputy Mayor of London, James Murray, and the Chairman of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), Liz Peace CBE, started construction work on the first homes at Old Oak and Park Royal – the largest regeneration project in the UK, providing 25,500 homes and 65,000 jobs.

The two joined QPR and Genesis Housing Association in demolishing a derelict hostel that will make way for a new West London neighbourhood consisting of 605 new homes, including a high proportion (40%) of affordable homes. They are the first homes that will be built at Old Oak and Park Royal and will start the transformation of the area. With the first residents expected to move in from early 2020, Genesis and QPR will create a place to be proud of and make a major contribution to delivering the OPDC’s overarching vision for the area.

Old Oak, the location of the new Crossrail/HS2 superhub, is set to become one of the best-connected places in London, just 10 minutes from London’s West End, 8 minutes from Heathrow and 38 minutes from Birmingham.

Speaking at the event to mark this important milestone, James Murray, Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Residential Development, said:

The regeneration of Old Oak and the surrounding area represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver thousands of genuinely affordable homes for Londoners.

I am delighted that work has commenced on this important scheme and pleased that we have been able to work so closely with QPR and Genesis Housing Association to increase the proportion of affordable homes.

Liz Peace CBE, Chairman of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, said:

Today’s ground-breaking marks the start of early-delivery of hundreds of affordable homes for Londoners and the community in west London.

I am delighted to kick-start the wider regeneration of Old Oak and Park Royal in line with Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan’s priorities.

This first major scheme granted consent by OPDC and the Mayor paves the way to creating a place where people will want to live, work, spend their leisure time and bring up their families.

Designed by CZWG Architects, the £175 million Oaklands scheme is being developed by QPR and Genesis Housing Association. The scheme will also provide the start of an important new link road from Old Oak Common Lane into the wider regeneration area, enabling neighbouring sites to be developed, including other sites that Genesis and QPR hope to bring forward.

Dipesh J. Shah OBE, Chair of Genesis Housing Association, said:

The Oaklands development is very important to Genesis. We are committed to providing homes for people who need it at price points that are accessible. The Oaklands community will have a mix of housing products within it, including social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, and market rent. Through this mix we believe we will create a sustainable and thriving community.

Tony Fernandes, Chairman of QPR FC, explained why the football club is involved in the regeneration partnership. He said:

We are delighted to be working with Genesis to develop the Oaklands site. The fact that we are creating 600 homes for Londoners, including many affordable homes, ten years in advance of HS2 shows that there is plenty that can be achieved at Old Oak well before the new high speed line is finished.

We own other sites in Old Oak and want to bring them forward as quickly as possible to create the homes and affordable homes that London desperately needs. I know the Mayor and the Government both share this aim, and have made funding available to pay for infrastructure that would lead to additional early housing development. A bridge from Willesden Junction to the north of Old Oak is exactly the kind of infrastructure that could do this, and we want to work closely with them to make it happen.

All this development will help to alleviate London’s housing crisis, as well help us achieve our ultimate goal, which is to secure the future of QPR in West London through the construction of a new stadium with sporting, community and educational facilities that are used all year round.

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Notes to Editors

For more information, please contact Patora Dyrma on 0207 983 5782.

About the Oaklands scheme

The Oaklands site is located on the western part of the Old Oak and Park Royal regeneration area, south of the Grand Union Canal. It is currently a vacant site that has been unoccupied for 10 years. It was previously used as offices and a hostel. The plans will transform this unknown and disused area, generating a pleasant new neighbourhood for people to live, work and play. It will provide:

  • 605 new homes, 242 (40%) of which will be affordable.This will be a combination of social and affordable rent and shared ownership.
  • The remaining homes will be 1,2 & 3-bedroom apartments for rent to suit different needs and budgets, and priced at market value. All the homes will remain in the ownership of Genesis and QPR – none will be sold.
  • The start of an important new link road from Old Oak Common Lane into the site. As neighbouring sites are developed, this road can be extended into the heart of the new Old Oak Common regeneration area.
  • 3,500 m2 of office and commercial space to accommodate mainly small and local businesses.
  • Extensive landscaped public areas will provide an attract environment and setting for the development along with communal space for the new residents.
  • High standards of energy efficiency using low carbon technology will be incorporated throughout the scheme.

About the Old Oak and Park Royal opportunity area

The scheme will be within the wider Old Oak and Park Royal regeneration area, which is identified as London’s largest Opportunity Area and a major regeneration opportunity that will create 25,500 new homes and 65,000 new jobs over the next 30-40 years.

As a Mayoral Development Corporation, Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) has been established to work with the local Boroughs and other stakeholders to co-ordinate the planning, development and regeneration and ensure that transport and community infrastructure is delivered alongside new homes and jobs.

Millions of pounds will be spent on improving public transport with a new station for HS2 and Crossrail, and new London Overground stations as well as increasing the capacity of existing stations at Willesden Junction and North Acton.

OPDC is working up a draft Local Plan and ‘masterplan’ for the entire area which will set out how they would like to see development brought forward.

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