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The National Planning Policy Framework

0.13 In March 2012, the Government published its National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This document replaces the Planning Policy Guidance Notes and Statements issued since 1991. It provides guidance for local planning authorities and decision-takers both in drawing up plans and as a material consideration in determining applications.

0.14 The Mayor carefully considered the extent to which the policies in this Plan are consistent with those in the NPPF. On the basis of this review, he is satisfied that the Plan reflected the intent of the Framework, and in particular the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and that the detailed policies in the two documents are consistent with each other. Given this consistency, he considers that the London Plan can be seen as the expression of national policy for London, tailored to meet local circumstances and to respond to the opportunities to achieve sustainable development here. These views informed the early alterations referred to in paragraph 0.16B, and they were upheld through their associated engagement and formal testing processes.

0.15 The Mayor will consider publishing supplementary guidance about the application of the policies in this Plan in the light of the relationship between the London Plan and the NPPF, in conjunction with the Government and London stakeholders.

Alterations to the London Plan since 2011

0.16A Two sets of alterations have been made to the 2011 London Plan to ensure it is as up-to-date as possible, in particular regarding references to Government guidance and national legislation enacted since July 2011.

0.16B Revised early minor alterations (REMA) were made to the Plan to ensure it reflected the NPPF and the Government’s approach to affordable housing. These were formally published on 11 October 2013[1].

0.16C Draft further alterations to the London Plan (FALP) were published for public consultation in January 2014 to reflect Mayoral priorities set out in his 2020 Vision: The Greatest City on Earth – Ambitions for London[2], particularly the need to plan for the housing and economic capacity, needed for London’s sustainable development against the background of the growth trends revealed by the 2011 Census. These alterations were considered at an Examination in Public held in September 2014.

[1] Mayor of London. The London Plan. Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London. Revised Early Minor Alterations. Consistency with the National Planning Policy Framework. GLA, 2013

[2] /sites/default/files/2020_vision_web.pdf

The London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011)

0.16D This document, published in March 2015, is consolidated with all the alterations to the London Plan since 2011. It is the policies in this document (and any subsequent Alterations to it) that form part of the development plan for Greater London, and which should be taken into account in taking relevant planning decisions, such as determining planning applications.

0.16E The London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011) sets out policies and explanatory supporting material (or what the planning system calls ‘reasoned justification’). These take account of:

  • the legal requirements set out in paragraphs 0.2–0.7 above and the various issues that European and national legislation requires to be considered
  • other requirements of planning law and Government planning policy and guidance
  • Integrated Impact and Habitats Regulations Assessments (see below)
  • comments received during the consultation and engagement process the recommendations of the Panel that conducted the Examination in Public.

0.16F The London Plan now takes the year 2036 as its formal end date (the 2011 version of the London Plan looked forward to 2031). This date has been chosen both because Government advice suggests a twenty year planning period should be used, and because the Mayor believes a longer-term view of London’s development should be taken to inform decision-making, development and investment.

0.16G Revisions consolidated in this Plan have been driven partly by the realisation that the population of London has grown much faster than was anticipated in the 2011 London Plan. However, the extent to which this unexpected level of growth is structural or cyclical is unknown as is the ability of the Plan’s existing strategies and philosophy to successfully accommodate the envisaged level of growth. In light of this a full review of the Plan will commence in 2015.

0.16H In the interim, as a result of changes proposed in the Government’s Housing Standards Review, the Mayor will bring forward additional alterations to the London Plan in early 2015 to reflect Government housing standards. He will also give active consideration to addressing changes to national policy on car parking should Government bring these forward. The Mayor recognises the flexible approach in the National Planning Policy Framework on parking standards, and the abolition of maximum parking standards in national policy. National planning guidance published in 2014 also recommends that planning policies should consider how parking provision can be enhanced to encourage the vitality of town centres. Whilst the Mayor considers that there are sound reasons for retaining residential parking standards in core and inner London, he recognises the opportunity to adopt a more flexible approach in parts of outer London, especially where public transport accessibility levels are lower. He therefore intends to bring forward an early review of parking standards in Outer London in advance of the general review of the Plan. In doing so he will give active consideration to any changes to national policy on car parking should Government bring these forward.

Integrated Impact Assessment

0.17 The development of this plan and the alterations made to it have been subject to full Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs). The IIA approach addresses all of the Mayor’s legal duties to carry out comprehensive assessments of the plan and its proposed policies within one integrated process. The IIAs covered the legal requirements to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (including a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)) and a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).

0.18 The IIAs also included Health Impact Assessments (HIA) and Equalities Impact Assessments (EqIA) to meet the Mayor’s duties under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (as amended) and equal opportunities legislation – see paragraphs 0.4-5. Finally, the IIAs covered relevant aspects of a Community Safety Impact Assessment (CsIA) to ensure that the statutory requirements of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, and the newly enacted Police and Justice Act 2006 are also met.

0.19 The IIAs[1] and the Habitats Regulation Assessments have helped shape the preparation of the London Plan and of the alterations made to it since 2011, ensuring a wide range of sustainability issues and the importance of protecting specific habitats were taken into account at each stage of the process.

[1] Mayor of London. Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening. Further Alterations to the London Plan Consultation. GLA, 2013. Amec, Integrated Impact Assessment. Further Alterations to the London Plan Consultation. GLA, 2013

The structure of this document

0.20 The Mayor intended that the new London Plan should be different from the previous version – shorter, more clearly strategic and user-friendly, and arranged in topic-based chapters intended to make policies on particular issues easier to find. It is arranged as follows:

  • a chapter outlining the context for the Plan and its policies
  • a clear spatial vision in a chapter on ‘Places’
  • topic-based chapters on London’s:
  • People (including housing and social infrastructure)
  • Economy
  • Response to climate change
  • Transport
  • Living places and spaces
  • Implementation, monitoring and review.

0.20A For consistency the paragraph numbering reflects that of the 2011 London Plan. Where paragraphs have been added through plan alterations, they are identified with a letter after the paragraph number, and where paragraphs have been removed that paragraph number has also been removed from the document.

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