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Parking for residential development

Maximum parking standards

Maximum residential parking standards

number of beds

4 or more



parking spaces

up to 2 per unit

up to 1.5 per unit

less than 1 per unit


All developments in areas of good public transport accessibility (in all parts of London) should aim for significantly less than 1 space per unit

Adequate parking spaces for disabled people must be provided preferably on-site[1]

20 per cent of all spaces must be for electric vehicles with an additional 20 per cent passive provision for electric vehicles in the future.

In outer London areas with low PTAL (generally PTALs 0-1), boroughs should consider higher levels of provision, especially to address ‘overspill’ parking pressures.

Parking for retail development

6A.4 The starting point for meeting parking demand for new retail development should be use of existing public off-street provision. Parking needs should be assessed taking account of the reduction in demand associated with linked trips. If on-site parking is justified there should be a presumption that it will be publicly available. Boroughs should take a coordinated approach with neighbouring authorities, including those outside London if appropriate, to prevent competition between centres based on parking availability and charges. Further advice on retail parking is provided in the Town Centres SPG.

Parking for commercial development

6A.5 Parking for commercial vehicles should be provided at a maximum standard of one space per 500 sq. m of gross B2 or B8 floorspace. See also SPGs on Town Centres and Land for Industry and Transport.

6A.6 An appropriate proportion of car parking spaces in commercial developments should be marked out for motor-cycle use.

6A.7 Standards for B2 and B8 employment uses should have regard to the B1 standards although a degree of flexibility maybe required to reflect different trip-generating characteristics

Parking for hotel and leisure uses

6A.8 Although no maximum standards are set for hotels, the following approach should be taken for applications referred to the Mayor. In locations with a PTAL of 4 –6, on-site provision should be limited to operational needs, parking for disabled people and that required for taxis, coaches and deliveries/servicing. In locations with a PTAL of 1–3, provision should be consistent with objectives to reduce congestion and traffic levels and to avoid undermining walking, cycling or public transport.

6A.9 Developments should provide for one coach parking space per 50 rooms for hotels. Leisure, stadia and major exhibition venues should provide appropriate levels of coach parking to suit their individual demand to help reduce congestion and improve visitor safety.

Parking for emergency services facilities

6A.10 Provision for parking at Ambulance, Fire and policing facilities will be assessed on their own merits.

Parking for retail

Maximum standards for retail uses: space per sq m of gross floorspace (GIA)


PTAL 6 and 5

PTAL 4 to 2


food: up to 500 m2




food: up to 2500 m2




food: over 2500 m2




non food




garden centre




town centre/ shopping mall/ department store





Unless for disabled people, no non-operational parking should be provided for locations in PTAL 6 central.

Unless for disabled people, no additional parking should be provided for use classes A2-A5 in town centre locations.

10 per cent of all spaces must be for electric vehicles with an additional 10 per cent passive provision for electric vehicles in the future.

Parking for employment uses

Non-operational maximum standards for employment B1: spaces per sq m of gross floorspace (GIA)


Central London (CAZ)

1000 – 1500

Inner London

600 – 1000

Outer London

100 – 600

Outer London locations identified through a DPD where more generous standards should apply (see Policy 6.13)

50 - 100

Note 20 per cent of all spaces must be for electric vehicles with an additional 10 per cent passive provision for electric vehicles in the future.

Cycle Parking

6A.11 Cycle parking provided for staff should be suitable for long stay parking, particularly in terms of location, security and protection from the elements (see The London Cycle Design Standards (TfL 2005).

6A.12 The Mayor has reviewed these cycle parking standards to ensure they support delivery of the significant increase in cycling in London referred to in Policy 6.9.

6A.13 Additional cycle parking specifications:

  • Short-stay cycle parking should be available for shoppers, customers, messengers and other visitors to a site, and should be convenient and readily accessible. Short-stay cycle parking should have step-free access and be located within 15 metres of the main site entrance, where possible.
  • For both long-stay and short-stay parking, consideration should be given to providing spaces accessible to less conventional bicycle types, such as tricycles, cargo bicycles and bicycles with trailers.
  • Where it is not possible to provide suitable visitor parking within the curtilage of a development or in a suitable location in the vicinity agreed by the planning authority, the planning authority may at their discretion instead accept, in the first instance, additional long-stay provision or, as a last resort, contributions to provide cycle parking in an appropriate location in the vicinity of the site.
  • Where it is not possible to provide adequate cycle parking within residential dwellings, boroughs are encouraged to engage with developers that propose innovative alternatives that meet the objectives of these standards. This may include options such as providing the required spaces in secure, conveniently located, on-street parking such as bicycle hangars. TfL will work with boroughs and developers to provide guidance for such a mechanism.
  • Staff should always be taken as the full time equivalent, unless otherwise stated.
  • The standards are based on gross external floorspace, unless otherwise stated.
  • All cycle parking should be consistent with the London Cycling Design Standards, or subsequent revisions.
  • It is recommended that supporting facilities are provided at land uses where long stay cyclists require them, i.e. places of employment. Supporting facilities include lockers, showers and changing rooms.
  • Where cyclists share surfaces with pedestrians, the safety and accessibility of the environment for disabled and older Londoners should be assured.

Table 6.3 Cycle Parking minimum standards

Land use




food retail

from a threshold of 100 sqm: 1 space per 175 sqm

from a threshold of 100 sqm: first 750 sqm: 1 space per 40 sqm
thereafter: 1 space per 300 sqm

non-food retail

from a threshold of 100 sqm: first 1000 sqm: 1 space per 250 sqm
thereafter: 1 space per 1000 sqm

from a threshold of 100 sqm: first 1000 sqm: 1 space per 125 sqm
thereafter: 1 space per 1000 sqm


financial / professional services

from a threshold of 100 sqm: 1 space per 175 sqm

from a threshold of 100 sqm: 1 space per 40 sqm

cafes & restaurants

drinking establishments



business offices

inner/ central London: 1 space per 90 sqm

outer London: 1 space per 150 sqm

first 5,000 sqm: 1 space per 500 sqm

thereafter: 1 space per 5,000 sqm


light industry and research and development

1 space per 250 sqm

1 space per 1000 sqm


general industrial, storage or distribution

1 space per 500 sqm

1 space per 1000 sqm


hotels (bars, restaurants, gyms etc open to the public should be considered individually under relevant standards)

1 space per 20 bedrooms

1 space per 50 bedrooms



1 space per 5 staff

1 space per 30 staff


care homes / secure accommodation

1 space per 5 staff

1 space per 20 bedrooms


student accommodation

1 space per 2 beds

1 space per 40 beds


dwellings (all)

1 space per studio and 1 bedroom unit

2 spaces per all other dwellings

1 space per 40 units


nurseries/schools (primary and secondary)

1 space per 8 staff + 1 space per 8 students

1 space per 100 students

universities and colleges

1 space per 4 staff + 1 space per 20 FTE students

1 space per 7 FTE students

health centre, including dentists

1 space per 5 staff

1 space per 3 staff

other (e.g. library, church, etc.)

1 space per 8 staff

1 space per 100 sqm


other (e.g. cinema, bingo, etc.)

1 space per 8 staff

1 per 30 seats

sports (e.g. sports hall, swimming, gymnasium, etc.)

1 space per 8 staff

1 space per 100 sqm

Sui generis

as per most relevant other standard e.g. casino and theatre = d2


to be considered on a case-by-case basis through liaison with tfl


in outer London town centres that are designated as ‘mini-Hollands’ or which have high PTALs, cycle parking standards are expected to match those of inner/central London.

where the size threshold has been met, for all land uses in all locations a minimum of 2 short-stay and 2 long-stay spaces must be provided.

Cycle parking areas should allow easy access and cater for cyclists who use adapted cycles

[1] Mayor of London. Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance. GLA, 2012. Mayor of London. Accessible London. Supplementary Planning Guidance. GLA, 2014.

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