Mayor's Resilience Fund

Stage: Closed

Find out how City Hall is working with innovators on solutions for some of London's most challenging issues. You can get involved too!


999 Londoners have responded | 15/07/2021 - 31/12/2021

Skyline of London, including the Thames and the Shard

Using public transport during the pandemic

The Mayor’s Resilience Fund is a £1 million challenge fund calling on tech innovators to develop solutions to some of London’s biggest challenges.  

One of the Mayor’s Resilience Fund challenges is ‘COVID-Safe Travel’. Innovators are asked to develop ideas that will help increase Londoners’ confidence using public transport and enable a safe re-opening of London’s economy.  

A big thank you to everyone who took part in this survey on travelling and using public transport during the pandemic. We shared your views with the tech start-ups taking part in this year’s Mayor’s Resilience Fund COVID-safe travel challenge. The winners of the challenge were announced on 13 July. 

We received almost 1,000 responses from our members. 

Amongst many other things you told us that: 

  • The majority of you had used the bus (59%) or the Tube (56%) in the past two weeks. Just under half of you had been on a train (48%) or used your car (46%), and fewer of you had used your bike (26%) or a taxi/private hire vehicle (20%) to get around. 
  • You are using buses and trains a lot less now than you did before the pandemic, but you’re walking much more than you used to. 
  • You’re feeling somewhat unsure about using public transport during the pandemic, with the majority of you not feeling comfortable taking public transport during rush hour – especially into Central London. 
  • Wearing masks and distancing would make those of you who feel uncomfortable feel safer, as shown in the word cloud of your responses below. 


Update: On 14 July, the Mayor asked Transport for London to keep face covering compulsory after 19 July, the day all remaining COVID-19 restrictions are set to be lifted. Read more about the decision in the press release.

Thanks again for sharing your views. We will keep you posted on what’s next. 

The survey ran from 07 June 2021 - 18 June 2021

Talk London members took part 999 times
