Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan consultation

Stage: Policy published

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1396 Londoners have responded | 16/11/2021 - 21/01/2022

Police van driving through a London street


Better supporting victims

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The police, justice agencies and other partner organisations must work together to improve services for victims at every step in the justice process.  

To do this, the draft Police and Crime Plan focuses on: 

  • improving the service and support that victims receive from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and the criminal justice service, including in online interaction
  • victims receiving a better criminal justice response and outcome
  • reducing the number of repeat victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

The draft plan also sets out some of the ways this will be achieved, for example by:  

  • reviewing support services for victims of crime to ensure they meet the needs of different communities in London such as young people, migrant victims or those from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups
  • improving online services and online support available for victims of crime
  • encouraging more victims to come forward to report their crimes to the police
  • working to improve prosecution rates for rape and sexual offences
  • working to reduce the backlog of court cases and raise court capacity to ensure cases go to trial as quickly as possible.
What do you think?
  • Are there any other priority areas for better supporting victims that are missing from the draft Police and Crime Plan?
  • What actions or interventions would have the most impact?
  • How will we know that we’ve succeeded?

This discussion is co-moderated by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

The discussion ran from 16 November 2021 - 21 January 2022

Closed for analysis

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Comments (1)

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Victims largely dont want online. Theres already a telephone system where you can talk to somebody who knows nothing about your case and they will leave a message and nobody will ever call you back. Victims want actual information.

I am...

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Victims largely dont want online. Theres already a telephone system where you can talk to somebody who knows nothing about your case and they will leave a message and nobody will ever call you back. Victims want actual information.

I am very disappointed that mentally ill and autistic people are not in the list of vulnerable groups. My autistic friend was robbed in December and was told in various terms by various police officers that it was her own fault. A civilian worker at Brixton even said that her stupidity was not a crime. Absolutely zero understanding of austism.

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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From 18.00 - 19.30: online consultation workshop

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STAGE: Policy published

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