Planning and regeneration

Construction site

Closed discussions

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Greener spaces

Last activity 11 months ago

Stage: Evidence gathering | Planning our future London | Discussion

How do you use the green spaces near where you live?

Upvotes - 75
Likes - 10


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Public toilets in London

Last activity 1 year ago

Stage: Latest news | Designing London’s Recovery | Discussion

Imagine you’re out and about and need to use the toilet.  What matters most to you?

Upvotes - 242
Likes - 104


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Responding to the climate emergency

Last activity 2 years ago

Stage: Latest news | Planning London’s future | Discussion

How can London’s places, spaces and buildings help speed up our response to the climate emergency?

Upvotes - 93
Likes - 22


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How does London need to change?

Last activity 2 years ago

Stage: Latest news | Planning London’s future | Discussion

How should London’s places, spaces and buildings change to meet the needs of Londoners?

Upvotes - 79
Likes - 11


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London – a city for families?

Last activity 2 years ago

Stage: Latest news | Planning London’s future | Discussion

How can London be welcoming for families, children and young people?

Upvotes - 35
Likes - 3


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Closed surveys

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Red buses and pedestrians walking on a busy London street

The future of London and your neighbourhood

Stage: Evidence gathering | Planning our future London | Survey

You’ll need to make five choices on big issues including housing, transport and green spaces.


Londoners have responded 1246 times | 01/06/2023 - 31/07/2023

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Toilet sign with a male and female icon

Public toilets in London

Stage: Latest news | Designing London’s Recovery | Survey

One of the innovators taking part in the Mayor’s ‘Designing London’s Recovery programme’ is working on how to improve public toilets in London.


Londoners have responded 2356 times | 21/09/2022 - 16/10/2022

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People sitting on benches outside the Barbican

Help shape London’s future

Stage: Evidence gathering | Planning for London | Survey

Take our quick survey and help City Hall better understand how London’s places, spaces and buildings affect your life.


Londoners have responded 825 times | 01/03/2022 - 20/03/2022

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Survey image

High streets survey


Tell us more about your local high streets in our quick survey.


Londoners have responded 1277 times | 25/02/2020 - 20/03/2020

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Survey image

Help us find solutions


Take our survey on planning applications and reporting violent content online, and you could win £100.


Londoners have responded 1063 times | 10/02/2020 - 24/02/2020

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