High Streets for All

Stage: Programme design

Our goal is to deliver enhanced public spaces and exciting new uses for underused high street buildings in every borough by 2025, working with London’s diverse communities.


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People shopping at East Street Market

Idea generation

Share your ideas to reimagine London

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When it comes to your neighbourhood, you are the experts. 

Since March 2021, we’ve been asking Londoners for their best ideas to improve their local area and make it even better for everyone. 

Your suggestions are providing a way for communities, councils and partner organisations to see what people want to happen in their local areas– and to incorporate those into their plans for recovery.  

We’ve now mapped out your ideas as well as the initiatives that local organisations have successfully submitted for funding. Use the filters on the left-hand side and click on the icons to see more details for your local area. We’ll keep you posted on how you can get involved again. 

Zoom in on the map and click through to see the ideas and read more about the exemplar projects.  


Open for ideas between 15 March 2021 and 17 September 2021

169 ideas generated by Talk London members

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Less car-dominated

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Last activity 3 years ago

Our streets are swamped by cars. Rat-running, parking, idling, queuing. When the pandemic hit I really thought there would be a sea change in how we think about and use our streets (i.e. giving them back to people), but in most areas there hasnt been a significant change outside a few LTNs and pop-up bike lanes/pavements. TfL really need to do more and be bolder in pushing boroughs to stop rat running in residential streets. Give the streets back to kids to play. Give us a beak from the noise. Let us breathe.

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Compulsory provision of bike hangers

Amur leopard

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Last activity 3 years ago

Require local councils in London to provide a new bike hanger in a road whenever there is a request from a local resident and no space in an existing hanger on the road. The space to be let at a commercial charge and only be required if this can be installed in a safe location. The hanger to be installed within one month of the request. The bike hanger to be prioritised over car parking spaces. This will help deal with one of the main barriers to increased cycling in London.

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Age proofed local areas

Colombian spotted frog

Last activity 3 years ago

London will have a growth in the number of over 65s and needs to be age friendly. Sadly despite a commitment to London becoming age friendly there hasn't been much progress ! What's required as a starting point is that neighbourhoods take into account age friendliness - amenities for older people, accessible transport, toilet provision and places to sit down. The GLA could develop an age friendly kite mark to signify that town centres and shopping centres are age friendly and have been assessed with the involvement of older people.

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Clear directions to galleries, museums, concert halls and such


Last activity 3 years ago

Galleries, museums and other visitor attractions hardly ever have decent directions from a railway, tube or bus stop, all the way to the destination. This should be put in hand for all of them. Some stops or signs say: get off/out here for ....eg Tate. But they do not take you all the way to the entrance. These need not be intrusive street signs — they could be like the footpath signs on routes in the countryside, but continuous. They could be designed by London art and graphic design students and be as recognisable and become as familiar as the London Tube sign. This would help Londoners as well as visitors find and use the marvellous places we are so lucky to have, and which have become one of the main reasons for people to visit London. And which are now in dire straits thanks to Covid.

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Celebrating End of Covid Restrictions

Last activity 3 years ago

The old Battersea Park Fun Fair was a result of folk celebrating the end of the Second World War. If it can come back there, please do it, otherwise another location. The Covid figures seem low enough to me, that we can join Biden in his July 4th celebrations. We can all celebrate that this year!

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Local and convenient bike storage


Last activity 3 years ago

I and a lot of my friends have bikes and the ability to use them, but live in small flats with poor storage which means it's difficult to get them in and out on a regular basis for shorts journeys. The waiting lists for communal bike hangars take years and you have to be lucky to leave close by to one - I think if these were far more common then people would be more likely to consider cycling as a more consistent mode of transport for just popping to and from the shops!

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Create green spaces for biodiversity from parking spaces

Adelie penguin

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Last activity 3 years ago

Remove paving from kerbside parking spaces in central London to create green spaces, provide sustainable rain water drainage, reduce car ownership and usage, create green corridors biodiversity, reduce air pollution, reduce costs of paving and maintenance, reduce overheating, improve mental health... I could go! It's a simple solution and doesn't need to cost much to make our city sustainable and liveable for our children.

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Provide direct bus access to High Barnet and other tube stations

Last activity 3 years ago

Bus and London Underground services must be better integrated. For 150 years residents have campaigned for direct access from High Barnet Station to the town itself. We still face a very steep climb even to the nearest bus stop let alone the town centre. This is inconvenient for all and impossible for many, including those with legally protected rights. Any other idea from City Hall is completely pointless compared to the continued absence of this frequently promised but never delivered provision. All it needs is a bus between the station itself, the central Church, the hospital and the shopping centre. Other public transport to the town seems only the accidental consequence of it being a convenient terminus rather than planned to service the town itself. There are similar issues at numerous stations and the towns they in theory serve.

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STOP Dog Pooing and Cyclists Riding on Pavements

American pika

Last activity 3 years ago

We are fed up with dog owners not picking up their dog poo and cyclists who ride pavements. So many people complain about this but never say anything to these offenders. That's why they do it. Absolutely no respect for others. How dare they spoil the environment and how dare cyclists put people at risk of being injured. Pavements are for pedestrians only. We can't count how many times we have nearly been knocked down by cyclists suddenly appearing behind us or coming round corners. We should not have to look left, right and behind to ensure we don't have an accident. STOP IT.

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Collaborative Art Space

Last activity 1 year ago

The idea is to use empty spaces and transform it in Collaborative Spaces, where Artists could share their knowledge with people who would like to taste a new artistic skill. The Collaborative Space could be a taster workshop where the Teacher could offer small workshops and the learners could just try it. It could be any type of art, could be related about music, painting, drawing, dancing, singing, absolutely any artistic skill could be welcome. The Teachers could offer their taster workshops for free, in a voluntary way, and the learner could just register and participate in the workshops offered. It could be very useful because for one side the Teachers could have an opportunity to develop their Teaching skills and on the other hand the Learners could have their free taste of the workshops before purchasing them. The one important thing is that like-minded artists will have the opportunity to get know each other to see where future collaborative projects could start. In this Collaborative Art Space, we could add a writing board where people could write down their ideas about any Collaborative Project, giving an opportunity to interested people to participate in them.

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Travel recovery after covid

Leatherback sea turtle

Last activity 3 years ago

To encourage travel, covid testing needs to be free or lot cheaper than £110 per test. Travel insurance needs to be cheaper with policies taken in best interest if customer instead of charging high prices and looking for loopholes never to pay the customer compensation. Should be regulated and monitored by the government and watchdog.

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Stop overdevelopment and create parks and water-features instead

Monarch butterfly

Last activity 3 years ago

Overdevelopment such as Holloway Prison or Oxford Street offer a unique opportunity to make London a world-class, attractive city, rather than one of dust, dirt and concrete: 1. Build community parks, water features and "true" green spaces that surround development, rather than being demoted to a small spot. 2. Any interest or acceptance of any private sponsorship (particularly of "holding companies", developers and construction) London wide should be made subservient an ABSOLUTE requirement to immediately improve London's AIR, WATER and green environment. 3. Remove all sat-nav companies from any partnership so it will not direct traffic through quiet neighbourhood streets

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Break Free of Censorship, Not Listening, Guilt-shaming-Social-Behaviours, Idea Quashing


Last activity 3 years ago

Through this pandemic propoganda in London also, has been rife. We have been ‘dragged, scared, terrified, brow-beaten, guilt-shamed, and attacked’ for even raising a word about the mainstream narrative. What do I mean by main stream Narrative? 1. That the virus came bouncing out of a wet-market, a few kilometres from a US-China, Fauci/Darsak funded biowarfare gain-of-function manipulation of bat coronavirus (RatG13) 2. That PCR tests do, to any extent diagnose ‘live’ infection 3. That PCR tests do not give off unconscionable amount of false positives 4. Confirming deaths with Covid + PCR test, a myriad of comorbidities, and other principle causes, as a COVID death and must not be debated openly 5. That hand sanitising slows transmission and must not be debated openly 6. That Masks slow transmission and must not be debated openly 7. That Lockdowns slow transmission and are worth the non-Covid death toll and devastation and that they must be debated openly 8. That Vaccines are somehow safety approved before even clinical trials in 2023, and you must say ‘it’s amazing’ and must not be debate openly 9. That Vaccine deaths and reactions on the Yellow Card Scheme report must not be discussed or debated openly 10. That the £billions, and £billions and £billions spent on Track, Trace, & Testing is worth it and the amount of money Transferred, to Big Tech, Big Shop, Big Pharma is not to be discussed or debated openly. This is the narrative that has forced upon us, and a word against it and we are chastised, guilt shamed and even called Killers. If you don’t wear a mask you are a human killer If you don’t follow distancing you are a human killdeer If you don’t wash your hands you are a killer NOW THE BIG ONE, based on virtually non-existent (according to the BMJ and many studies) Asymptomic Transmission Story: If you don’t take a vaccine (even if you are fit as hell and 25), you are a human killer. This is what I want to change about London.

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Non-amenity green space converted to electric car charging.

Last activity 3 years ago

Outside my house, there is a small patch of grass, owned and barely maintained by the council which isn't really used by anybody except as a dog toilet. Converting this space to electric car charging would not only provide an impetus to local users to switch to greener vehicles. it would make the road safer too. I'm sure there are many similar spaces in London which could be used for vehicle charging.

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free oystercard for London council-tax payers


Last activity 3 years ago

Give every London resident a free oystercard for London Transport paid for by a levy on council tax. This would discourage car use if public transport was already paid for. Tourists could continue to pay fares as they rarely drive anyway. This would cut pollution in the capital

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Cycle and walking network using main line rail arteries


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Last activity 3 years ago

Make use of the waste-land next to the main-line rail lines into central London by building cycle and footpaths that would connect the suburbs to central London on much shorter, greener and more direct routes than roads.

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Car free days

Colombian spotted frog

Last activity 3 years ago

I would love all zone one boroughs to idiot a day nationally where cars are prohibited and cycling and walking are promoted. A weekend day in the summer where Londoners and tourists come together to celebrate not having cars on the road.

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Electric car charge points on every street

Colombian spotted frog

Last activity 3 years ago

A priority of the mayor should be expanding the network of electric car chargers. With many Londoners who own vehicles not having driveways it is important to realise the infrastructure needs to be there to support the change to electric vehicles. In addition to every street having these charging points (where feasible - ie there are already car park spaces there, and space) I also propose all new developments put in electric charge points as standard. This will allow new investment by individuals in electric vehicles and drive forward a green revolution that will not only benefit those driving said vehicles with cheaper charging and more available charge points, but also those enjoying the fresh air with less pollution.

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Allow streets to vote on their zoning rules

Atlantic cod

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Last activity 3 years ago

Allow streets to vote on their planning laws. If the plan gets a majority of voters, then all houses can build extensions according to the rules. Makes it easier for residents to improve their own houses with rules they agree to. This would lead to more housebuilding and more valuable homes for those who want to build extensions. And if a street doesn’t like this they choose their own plan.

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Allow infinite scrolling on this page/sort by new

Atlantic cod

Last activity 3 years ago

It's hard to see many ideas because you have to keep changing page number. Can you allow us to keep scrolling down or to sort by new ideas?

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STAGE: Evidence gathering

Life in lockdown


Londoners have responded 7020 times

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London's recovery


Londoners have posted 378 comments

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London’s recovery from COVID-19 – what you told us so far

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15 minute cities


Londoners have posted 239 comments

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August 2020: Launch of the High Street Data Service and Data Partnership, an integrated platform that will gather evidence and share data and analysis to support London’s recovery

STAGE: Programme design

How your feedback has started to shape London’s road to recovery

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August - November 2020: Mission engagement - High Street Network and Stakeholder and partner workshops


November 2020: Creation of Advocate Group to provide expert advice in the development of the mission


39 successful Make London successful projects announced

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Share your ideas to reimagine London


You and other Londoners have shared 169 ideas

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Launch of the High Street Data Service and Data Partnership


Mayor funds 35 projects to protect future of high streets

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See your ideas on a map alongside the local projects that are receiving seed funding.

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Mayor announces a further £2m to support high street recovery in 15 boroughs 

Read the press release