Talk London Member Survey prize draw terms & conditions

Privacy statement

The Greater London Authority (GLA) will only use the personal data you provide for the purposes of administering this competition informing you if you have won and if so, issuing your prize. All personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR. We will not share your personal data with any third parties.

Terms & conditions

  1. Entry is open to UK residents aged 18 or over, excluding employees of the Greater London Authority (GLA), Transport for London, London Legacy Development Corporation, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority or any of their subsidiaries advisers, agents and/or anyone connected with the organisation of this promotion.
  2. The GLA shall not be responsible for late, lost or delayed entries or network, computer hardware or software failures of any kind that may delay or restrict entry into the prize draw, proof of posting will not be accepted as proof entry and any entry made in any other format or which is incomplete, illegible, defaced may be rejected.
  3. Only one entry may be made per person.
  4. The prize draw begins on Monday 27 November 2023 (“the Opening Date”) and runs until Sunday 7 January 2023 (“the Closing Date”). Survey entries must be submitted by midnight on 7 January 2024.
  5. There is one £120 online voucher to win, to spend in most high street shops.
  6. The winner will be drawn at random and will be notified by email by 21 January 2024. 
  7. The Promoter of the prize draw is the GLA. The Promoters' decision is final and binding in all matters.
  8. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute any prizes with a prize of equivalent or higher value in the event of circumstances outside its control.  
  9. Selecting the ‘I would like to be entered into the prize draw and I accept the Terms & Conditions’ option will constitute acceptance of these terms and conditions. The GLA reserves the right to refuse to award prizes to anyone found to be in breach of these terms & conditions.