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Refill shops and ethnic food shops | Closed
959 members took the survey
Have your say on shopping at refill shops and ethnic food shops in London.
Improving public toilets | Closed
2305 members took the survey
One of the innovators taking part in the Mayor’s ‘Designing London’s Recovery programme’ is working on how to improve public toilets in London.
Share your ideas to celebrate Black culture and creativity in London | Closed
55 ideas
219 219 Up vote
Idea Generation
Share your ideas to celebrate Black culture and creativity during a new event on Trafalgar Square in September 2023.
Help City Hall celebrate Black culture in London
The Mayor is planning a flagship annual event in Trafalgar Square to celebrate Black culture and creativity in London. Your ideas will help launch it in September 2023.
Your Talk London survey | Closed
222 members took the survey
We’ve listened to your feedback and are developing new features to make your experience on Talk London more personal and tailored to you.
Your Talk London | Closed
33 members took the survey
We’ve listened to your feedback and are developing new features to make your experience on Talk London more personal and tailored to you.
Walking in London | Closed with follow-up
1438 members took the survey
We would like to find out how often you walk, what your local green spaces are like, and more.
Tower Hamlets Local Area Energy Plan | Closed
31 members took the survey
Have your say on energy-efficient technologies and measures.

Public toilets in London | Closed
242 242 Up vote
104 104 Care
Discussion (Added by: Talk London)
Imagine you’re out and about and need to use the toilet.  What matters most to you?
Designing London’s Recovery
Find out more about how City Hall is working with innovators on solutions for some of our city’s most challenging issues. You can get involved too!