Cleaning up London’s toxic air

Stage: Policy published

From the Clean Air Consultation on Talk London in 2016 to the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in October 2021, find out what City Hall is doing to clean up London’s toxic air.


672 Londoners have responded | 25/10/2021 - 19/07/2023

Street sign of the Ultra Low Emission Zone


£10 T-Charge launched in central London

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From today, 23 October 2017, a £10 Toxicity Charge ('T-Charge') applies to the older, more polluting vehicles in central London.

The discussion ran from 23 October 2017 - 23 January 2018


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As mentioned by others this is a tax on the poor and working class many of the people affected are having to hold down three jobs in order to make ends meet it’s a kick in the teeth from faceless public servants who are totally disconnected...

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As mentioned by others this is a tax on the poor and working class many of the people affected are having to hold down three jobs in order to make ends meet it’s a kick in the teeth from faceless public servants who are totally disconnected from the public.Whats more concerning to me is the disgustingly high noise levels of pollution we are now suffering within our cities from airplanes helicopters builders sirens motorcycles air conditioners restaurants nightclubs and pubs anyone living near a busy road is suffering intolerable levels of noise.This is having a devastating effect upon our children’s mental health and the mental health of the public.

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I fail to understand why cars manufactured pre 2005 are liable for ULEZ when cars manufactured before 2016 require an MOT, which requires an emission test.

Who says that a car manufactured in 2001 has higher emmissions that one...

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I fail to understand why cars manufactured pre 2005 are liable for ULEZ when cars manufactured before 2016 require an MOT, which requires an emission test.

Who says that a car manufactured in 2001 has higher emmissions that one manufactured in 2009 for example.

This legislation is without logic and now requires me to dispose of my much loved 2001 car before this draconian measure is extended to everywhere within the M25.

Thank you very much Mr Mayor for forcing me to dispose of a perfectly good car and spend hard earned money on another one!

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Hi everyone

Thanks for taking part in this discussion.

Today, City hall announced a new £23m scrappage scheme for the most polluting vans, to help clean up London's air.  The scheme will initially help London's micro businesses to swiitch to the cleanest vehicles, including electric. The funding would be available to scrap vans that do not comply with the new ULEZ standards, but which are driven into the ULEZ zone regularly.

What do you think of this initiative? And have you made any changes since the T-Charge was first announced, or will you be making some?

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The T-charge has been introduced for several months now. Given that statistics apparently show the congestion charge has not reduced pollution levels, do we know if the T-charge has affected air pollution levels? 

Has it been effective in...

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The T-charge has been introduced for several months now. Given that statistics apparently show the congestion charge has not reduced pollution levels, do we know if the T-charge has affected air pollution levels? 

Has it been effective in the policy target areas of:

1) reducing air pollution

2) encouraging Londeners to transition to public transport (incidentally, perhaps studies need to be done to find out WHY Londoners do not use public transport and address the issues there)

3) encouraging Londoners to switch to compliant vehicles

Do we know if there are unintended consequences, for example on the London economy, a strain in the public transportation system, or the welfare of drivers affected by the scheme?

Where would I be able to find this information? If this information not available, I strongly feel that going ahead with the ULEZ, which will impact a much larger number of people, is not justifiable. Who can I speak with to raise my concerns?

I came across this article and but I couldn't find any follow up studies to actually measure these claims and the T-charge's impact post-implementation:…

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Hi Tina80

Thanks for sharing your views on the T-Charge. Please get in touch with the team at City Hall, who will be able to help you further.


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Nobody seems to mention the great polluters in the sky i.e the thousands of aeroplanes above London and the plans for a new runway at Heathrow.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think there is no tax on airplane fuel and the carbon footprint...

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Nobody seems to mention the great polluters in the sky i.e the thousands of aeroplanes above London and the plans for a new runway at Heathrow.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think there is no tax on airplane fuel and the carbon footprint of a short haul flight per person is the equivalent of driving a mini to Australia!!!

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I cannot hold myself back on making one other remark - 

Why would you make a super cycle highway from Stratford into the City ALONG the main congested motor/main road where you have all sorts of cars, motorbikes, buses, etc on there and...

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I cannot hold myself back on making one other remark - 

Why would you make a super cycle highway from Stratford into the City ALONG the main congested motor/main road where you have all sorts of cars, motorbikes, buses, etc on there and then US, bikers, breathing in the highly toxic air on that road all the way to the City and back. What a genius idea that was for the sake of having a cycle highway!? Seriously was this ever genuinely thought through? 

After cycling that road for several months I got asthma now! Thank you very much, great investment of our taxes...

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No no Mr Mayor. Can’t you see that you are crushing the spirit of hard working Londoners. It is the poorest that can not afford to buy new cars, your high transport charges on buses, trains and tubes. At the next election you will be out on...

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No no Mr Mayor. Can’t you see that you are crushing the spirit of hard working Londoners. It is the poorest that can not afford to buy new cars, your high transport charges on buses, trains and tubes. At the next election you will be out on your ear

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I would be interested to know how these vehicles (old, more polluting ones) are identified, to make them pay this charge? This scheme should be ruled out not just for zone 1 in my opinion, but wider to Zone 2. I live in East London Zone 2...

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I would be interested to know how these vehicles (old, more polluting ones) are identified, to make them pay this charge? This scheme should be ruled out not just for zone 1 in my opinion, but wider to Zone 2. I live in East London Zone 2, and the air over here is so bad, i am disgusted to breath... it has gotten that bad! In Germany for instance the state has just banned diesel-cars now driving into the 'city' of Stuttgart! London is not doing enough, we continue to breath toxic air and our children are growing to become sick! 


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Hi EastLondonMother. 

Transport for London (TfL) will be using a network of cameras to read people’s number plates when they cross into the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). Number plates are registered to people’s vehicles, so they can use them to identify what kind of car they’re using. 

While the scheme will initially be in central London, it will expand in 2021 to include everywhere within the North and South Circular Roads. In addition, heavy vehicles such as busses, lorries and coaches will be required  to conform to Euro 6 emission standards across all of London in 2020. 

You can find more information on ULEZ on TfL's website:

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@MayorOfLondon - WHY can London not implement the plans to reduce pollution earlier? Your plans mention 2019/2020/2021...... when pollution here has ever been an issue why is London acting so slow? Why have these not been implemented this...

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@MayorOfLondon - WHY can London not implement the plans to reduce pollution earlier? Your plans mention 2019/2020/2021...... when pollution here has ever been an issue why is London acting so slow? Why have these not been implemented this year?

The air tonight smells of petrol in East London; I cannot open the windows of my flat.... it’s that bad due to the humidity and the fog; toxic air is stuck on ground level! Think of 1952 - 12000 died! What are you waiting for!? 

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Whilst I agree with the fact we need clean air I also think this is a cash making tactic where you will charge people £12.50 if their vehicle is a diesel (including due 5 diesels which the government encouraged us to buy) . Many of us did...

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Whilst I agree with the fact we need clean air I also think this is a cash making tactic where you will charge people £12.50 if their vehicle is a diesel (including due 5 diesels which the government encouraged us to buy) . Many of us did the sensible thing and did what the government wanted which was purchase diesel vehicles a few years ago. Diesel was meant to be that good the government offered petrol owners scrapped schemes to get them into diesels

Fast forward a few years and now diesels are bad and petrol vehicles are better. I am sure eventually electric vehicles will be bad for the environment too

I am a public sector employee along with my wife who works as a nurse. We are both perceiving this scheme as the following

To save someone's life we need to pay the government £12.50.

Due to the fact we work shifts and there isn't always public transport available we need to drive so that I as a fire fighter can save lives and my wife as a hard working nurse also can save lives. However now we will both pay 12.50 each so that we can save lives which is a disgrace. We cannot afford to buy a new euro 6 diesel or a new electric car for that matter.

We got an embarrassing pay rise which now will not be a pay rise as your £12.50 fee will ensure that I get no pay rise.

The inner London boroughs you are implementing this in are poor boroughs can they also afford 12.50 a day ?

More importantly in these poor areas will it be worth people working as if for example stack shelves in a supermarket, by the time they pay these charges they may be better off simply staying at home. I do not think anyone has thought of this. By them staying at home it will be more of a strain on benefit system

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Hi Stand_united and welcome to Talk London.

We shared your views with the Air Quality team here at City Hall.

"The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is a key part of the Mayor’s efforts to tackle London’s appalling air quality. He has also announced a set of measures to reduce air pollution, outlined in his Transport and Environment Strategies. Poor air quality disproportionately affects some of the poorest areas, and part of our objectives is to work on the health inequality that air pollution causes.

The aim of the ULEZ is not to make money but to encourage Londoners to transition to alternate modes of transport or replace their vehicles with low emission alternatives. Any money that is made by the scheme will go to cover the costs of operating it, or to fund other environment policies. We are not expecting the scheme to be profitable as we expect the majority of Londoners will transition to compliant vehicles or find alternate means of transport.

The Mayor understands the difficulties some households may face as a result of having a vehicle that may not be compliant with the new emissions standards. The ULEZ does not require the purchase of an expensive new vehicle. Those that would still need to drive have the option of using a petrol car up to fourteen years old in 2021, or a diesel car up to six years old from 2021. For those who don’t change their vehicle, there is a charge of £12.50 a day.

The Mayor continues to call on the Government to introduce a targeted diesel scrappage scheme fund to compensate motorists and clean up our filthy air. This is essential to reduce the economic impact on those most affected, such as small businesses, charities and low-income households. It is currently within the remit of the Government’s national Clean Air Fund to fund a scrappage scheme, but London is not eligible for any of this funding despite helping to pay for it.”

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Talk London official employee 


Many thanks for your response however would it not have made sense to sort out the scrappage scheme first before announcing this ulez? 

You haven't addressed the point or confirmed whether you are asking...

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Talk London official employee 


Many thanks for your response however would it not have made sense to sort out the scrappage scheme first before announcing this ulez? 

You haven't addressed the point or confirmed whether you are asking my wife and I ( fire service and nhs nurse ) to pay £12.50 a day in order to save lives ? 


If there is an emphasis on saving lives etc then why do statistics show that we live longer than we did before? 


Why do statistics also show that when the congestion charge was first introduced years back that it did not reduce pollution . 


Why did Gordon Brown ask us to buy diesels a few years ago ? Those diesels he asked us to buy are now a health risk ? 


This is nothing but a tax on the poor . 

How long will it be before we are told that electric cars are not good forbthe environment please switch back to diesels and petrol . 



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Is the mayor going to tax the planes that fly over London, or the diesel locos and trains that run across the city?

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I am a director of a coach hire company in Slough.
We transport large groups very regularly into London to visit the various sites and attend the Theatres. School groups attend the many museums as part of their ongoing learning. Language...

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I am a director of a coach hire company in Slough.
We transport large groups very regularly into London to visit the various sites and attend the Theatres. School groups attend the many museums as part of their ongoing learning. Language schools, during the summer, benefit from visiting our wonderful city and enjoying all it has to offer. We also transport groups of elderly people to sightsee and attend theatres.
A lot of operators rely on school transport and the various educational trips made into London. The impact that the ULEZ will have on the children’s education if this cannot continue will be immence.
It is therefore of great concern to us that, unless we update a large percentage of our coaches, we will have to pay £100.00 per day to travel into the city.
I therefore have some questions:
Could you please explain how paying £100.00 per day makes the air clean – as I am sure that we would all be very interested to know. Is the money being invested in some revolutionary device to clean the air?
Has anyone actually thought of the knock on effect this will have. Example: A large percentage of coach operators carry out daily school runs and if they have to reduce their fleet as they are unable to afford to update it, how will all of the children get to school? This could become a very serious issue and would also cause greater pollution issues/congestion, as parents will have to transport their children to schools in their cars.
I would like to mention the very few parking spaces for coaches in London. Perhaps more spaces would reduce the pollution as the coaches would not have to drive round and round searching for somewhere to park – just a sensible thought.
Also, we have wasted many hours, whilst trying to run our business, appealing against T charge PCN’s which appear to be haphazardly administered with no consistency to the records held by TFL. In short it is a mess!

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Why does it take so long to clean London?
1/ forbid the bigger polluters to drive in London, especially those Middle-Age diesel powered black cabs.
2/ Tax the richer who can afford the expensive and fuel consumming 4x4 Cayenne or Mercedes...

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Why does it take so long to clean London?
1/ forbid the bigger polluters to drive in London, especially those Middle-Age diesel powered black cabs.
2/ Tax the richer who can afford the expensive and fuel consumming 4x4 Cayenne or Mercedes (4x4 are designed for Scotland 4x4 tracks not London roads) so you make money on those who are not smart enough to buy the electric bmw
3/ use the money to increase the number of green spaces (rooftops, side walks, walls can be used to grow green friends!)

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I think we need to look at voting for another Mayor of London next time, who can actually tackle real issues for Londoners such as economics, housing, knife crime and red tape bureaucy.

The T-charge is just another revenue fund raiser and...

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I think we need to look at voting for another Mayor of London next time, who can actually tackle real issues for Londoners such as economics, housing, knife crime and red tape bureaucy.

The T-charge is just another revenue fund raiser and vanity project, which will reduce economic activities as the people who are making this decision want to walk and cycle to work more!!!

I noticed the T-charge study and findings were conducted by an external consultancy and project managed by non Londoners (so was this study always biased against real Londoners???).

It's easy to use facts and statistics to build a case for reducing pollution, but ignore important facts such as costs to businesses, costs to commuters who drive within the north / south circular (we're not talking about Kensington and Chelsea residents who can afford to fly into City airport and get the tube home), cost to replace vehicles to be compliant, etc.

Contrary to the Mayor of London and City Hall decision makers, people do need to drive in and around London, are we really expecting elderly people or parents with children to get the bus or tube, if they live within the north or south circular as the area being covered is not just central London ? How long would it take to get from Wembley to Edmonton via public transport at 10pm at night, with two young children? Policy decision making at the finest without any common sense ...

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This charge is an unfair tax, especially as people were urged by the previous Labour government to buy diesel cars because they were less polluting in Co2 than petrol cars! With no scrappage scheme being offered by the current government...

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This charge is an unfair tax, especially as people were urged by the previous Labour government to buy diesel cars because they were less polluting in Co2 than petrol cars! With no scrappage scheme being offered by the current government or the Mayor of London, it means that selling diesel vehicles in order to use the funds for a newer, less polluting car is going to be virtually impossible; many of us can't afford to buy another car without those funds. Being forced to pay £21.50 for the "pleasure" of having to drive in London during the day is a disgrace. Thank heavens that some of us are lucky enough to only have to make necessary car journeys at the weekends.

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I see the T-charge as little more than a headline grabbing gimmick. Studies have shown it will have negligible impacts on air quality
This will hit the poor the hardest who ae more likely to have older cars and cannot afford expensive...

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I see the T-charge as little more than a headline grabbing gimmick. Studies have shown it will have negligible impacts on air quality
This will hit the poor the hardest who ae more likely to have older cars and cannot afford expensive hybrids.

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I am disabled and have quite an old van which I could not replace like for like. As I live on the South Coast, why is it cheaper for me to have day out shopping in France and take money out of the Country. I have not seen my friend also...

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I am disabled and have quite an old van which I could not replace like for like. As I live on the South Coast, why is it cheaper for me to have day out shopping in France and take money out of the Country. I have not seen my friend also disable as the nearest underground station is not wheelchair friendly. As a result I have not seen my friend for a number of years. Thanks London I just wonder the ratio of cars to plane fuel!

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How does charging for polluting vehicles help the environment. Those polluting vehicles are still entering the zone and still polluting.
It just another way of raising revenue but not reducing pollution.

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Hello everyone! I have new exhaust system installed on my old car. That has been tested and proved. However, TFL (T-charge) department doesn't want to make any changes and they don't want to remove my car from T-charge. Clearly all of that...

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Hello everyone! I have new exhaust system installed on my old car. That has been tested and proved. However, TFL (T-charge) department doesn't want to make any changes and they don't want to remove my car from T-charge. Clearly all of that is not because of emissions. All about additional money to London's finance. So, why shall we keep silence?

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Yes, we all want to live healthy lives and have clean air. So let’s look in to this:

• Private cars of All Ages Combined produce only around 8% of "car" pollution in London. Most of the pollution comes from Buses, Construction Vehicles and...

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Yes, we all want to live healthy lives and have clean air. So let’s look in to this:

• Private cars of All Ages Combined produce only around 8% of "car" pollution in London. Most of the pollution comes from Buses, Construction Vehicles and Black Cabs.
• Also the amount of produced pollution depends on the engine size more so than on the age. Sure that “young” Ferrari is producing more fumes than older small 1.1 MOT-ed engine car.
• To keep the air clean – WE HAVE an MOT, don’t we. The question is – what it is to do with the age. If the car passes MOT – it’s fine. No matter the age!
• Many people drive because they like driving and they prefer private vehicle to public for various reasons. Give them the thrill – make at least Segway road legal transport like other countries do. This is good fun, quick and electric. That will be good use of bicycle lanes – they are currently under used. They(bicycle lanes) also are the reason for increased pollution as they are dramatically reducing the “car space” on roads together with bus lanes.
• Busses produce massive amount of pollution – make them electric first – this is a good investment. And also Black Cabs. Convert them to electric.
• All in all this decision reduces the issue on a micro minute level allowing the real polluters “running around” London for free steering away public’s mind from the reality of the situation.
• It is also NOT true to the facts decision – as I mentioned that NOT the AGE but the Sufficient Car Maintenance and the Type of car and the Engine Size are really want to be addressed.

So if we want clear air in London – let’s do it. Let’s do it in a way that really works, rather than in a way which simply becomes an extra selective tax.

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Both Labour Mayors (Livingston and Khan) solve problems using pricing that discriminate against low income individuals and businesses. This is a rationing strategy rather than a solution. WTHIGO?

Is pollution multifaceted even though...

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Both Labour Mayors (Livingston and Khan) solve problems using pricing that discriminate against low income individuals and businesses. This is a rationing strategy rather than a solution. WTHIGO?

Is pollution multifaceted even though street level pollution is assumed to be traffic. Factors?
1. Use of polluting technologies. Retrofit or replacement?
2. Traffic management systems? Are vehicles in jams more polluting? Stop-start driving more polluting?
3. Availability of convenient and low cost public transport.
4. Telecommuting?
5. Economic organisation of Britain - i.e. concentrating in the south west rather than fully utilising the whole country?
6. School run - children get public transport or a 'school' bus.
7. Other contributions? (another commenter - wood burning)
8. Alternate vehicles e.g. Motorcycles (moire advanced enclosed cockpit with crash cages).
9. Car driving as status demo.
10. Culture lacking social/collective responsibility. (4 decades of cultivated selfishness).

Additionally, another problem - discrimination against vintage vehicles e.g. Routemaster busses.

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Pollution problem wont be solved over night so is moving out of London the solution?

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Great idea. It ought to be more. Perhaps each driver/ fossil fuel user has to prove that their co2 is being captured.


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