Your cultural life in London

Stage: Evidence gathering

Londoners are less likely than elsewhere in the country to have engaged with arts and culture in the last 12 months. Find out more and tell us your views. You could win access to over 90 attractions with a Go City Pass in our survey prize draw.


923 Londoners have responded

Londoners at Field Day festival in Victoria Park

Discussion | Your cultural life in London

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City Hall's Culture team wants to better understand how Londoners experience arts and culture across the city, and what prevents them from doing so.

  • What, if anything, would encourage you to experience arts and culture more often in London?
  • What arts and cultural experiences do you wish were more readily available in your area?
  • How do you usually find out about cultural experiences? Where do you look for them?
  • What has been your best experience with arts and culture in London, and why?

Mike from City Hall's Culture team will be reading your comments and joining the discussion below. 

Did you know?

Despite London's iconic arts and cultural venues, Londoners are less likely than residents in other regions in England to have engaged with culture in the last 12 months. Outer Londoners are the least engaged compared to any other English region. 

City Hall’s Culture team is working with Centre for London – an independent think tank – to understand how Londoners feel about culture in the capital. Your comments will help Centre for London create policy recommendations to help make arts and culture more accessible for Londoners.  


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Comments (174)

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Hi folks, 

Are you aware of London’s ‘culture lates’ type events– where cultural attractions stay open later than usual – is it easy to find out about these events and are you interested in attending them?

More broadly, if you go to late night cultural events, we’d love to hear more about the type of events you go to, where they are and what you like about them.

Thank you!

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

I find living in Greenwich is a great advantage to be close to cultural places, but sometimes events get sold out quite quickly. 

Avatar for - Rhino

A key reason that Londoners don't take advantage of the cultural activities in the city is that they can't afford it.  Ticket prices have risen hugely, as has the cost of eating out, or even getting a cup of coffee.   Essential costs of...

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A key reason that Londoners don't take advantage of the cultural activities in the city is that they can't afford it.  Ticket prices have risen hugely, as has the cost of eating out, or even getting a cup of coffee.   Essential costs of living swallow up earnings for too many of us.     Less well off people used to get properly subsidised tickets, which would be e.g. 25% or even less of the full price.   These days, a 'concession' ticket will be just a few pounds less than the very expensive full price ticket, so the 'concession' is meaningless.   Also, the poorer areas of London - e.g. Newham - have nothing going on in the local area.  

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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

Please to be part of this group.

I am fortunate enough to live within walking distance of Kenwood House, I would love to see more outdoor picnic concerts and outdoor theatre - and at a reasonable price

Avatar for - Vaquita

Thank you for this information.thank you London for doing a wonderful works  

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Londoners who don’t engage in arts and culture are probably too busy working and/or are not aware of events that interest them

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When I was a baby I was lucky because my Aunty, a clothes making teacher, would take me to museums and galleries. My primary and secondary schools also put a lot of effort into arranging school trips to museums, galleries and pantomimes...

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When I was a baby I was lucky because my Aunty, a clothes making teacher, would take me to museums and galleries. My primary and secondary schools also put a lot of effort into arranging school trips to museums, galleries and pantomimes. Now I take my 1 year old to free museums and galleries as well as local playgroups. I’ve lived in London all my life so I’m very knowledgeable about places to go and how to find out information 

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Although London does have plenty of things that are free to enjoy, it would be nice if for those that aren't, London residents at least got a discount if not free entry like many other cities around the world do. I'm unable to go as much as...

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Although London does have plenty of things that are free to enjoy, it would be nice if for those that aren't, London residents at least got a discount if not free entry like many other cities around the world do. I'm unable to go as much as I used to with the rise in cost of living

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Avatar for - Staghorn coral

I think it is so sad that Londonders do not take advantage of the wonderful opportunities in London often right on the doorstep or a stones throw away and are often free. It is very important and beneficial to health and well being. Spread...

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I think it is so sad that Londonders do not take advantage of the wonderful opportunities in London often right on the doorstep or a stones throw away and are often free. It is very important and beneficial to health and well being. Spread the word and share the cost in a group setting. London offers so much and is steeped in culture.

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i wish tickets would be cheaper for residents for museums and some attractions.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

I am lucky enough to have an active interest and career experience in the arts. I understand the benefit and value of it and pass that down to my child too. I do however have an extended family who do not engage much in the arts and this is...

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I am lucky enough to have an active interest and career experience in the arts. I understand the benefit and value of it and pass that down to my child too. I do however have an extended family who do not engage much in the arts and this is for very typical reasons such as:

Cost of attending cultural events - theatre and music events are prohibitively expensive especially for families with more than one child. The discounts available such as group discounts for example are either time consuming to find or at inconvenient times such as only Mon-Thurs at 19.30 which is a school night. 

Lack of representation within the artistic activities - people don’t see other people like them on stage or engaging in these activities so don’t consider them as an option. 

The lack of available activities in Greater London and the lack of marketing to relevant communities. Much of the time my family don’t even know these things are going on. More could be done by marketing to schools, kids clubs etc  

Regular access to the arts should be compulsory in schools from the start in order to provoke curiosity and develop their experience in the arts. That way over the years you have people interested in working in the arts which in time creates better diversity and representation and thus builds wider audiences. 

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Avatar for - Adelie penguin

There are loads (museums and galleries( across the City. VisitLondon is a good source of information. Vagina Museum is a good bet because it hosts events and talks and you learn something new. 


Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

We talk about London, but London is vast and  travel from outer boroughs like Bromley is long and exhausting. We do not have a tube, and the last Tory administration in Bromley provided very little. I find myself having to travel to other...

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We talk about London, but London is vast and  travel from outer boroughs like Bromley is long and exhausting. We do not have a tube, and the last Tory administration in Bromley provided very little. I find myself having to travel to other boroughs who are more fortunate with cultural provision and workshops. East London, etc. This isn't great or equitable. I don't like travelling late as a woman on my own.

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Avatar for - Tiger

Hi Mike, 

Hope you are really well. I strongly  think that unfortunately my beloved London atm doesn’t have much interesting and exiting culture events!

Especially in terms of Music Event and Music Culture London has seen a massive change...

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Hi Mike, 

Hope you are really well. I strongly  think that unfortunately my beloved London atm doesn’t have much interesting and exiting culture events!

Especially in terms of Music Event and Music Culture London has seen a massive change that affected many venues and clubs. 

London used to be  the city with the most exiting and amazing music events. 

I wanted to launch a project to save music culture in London but unfortunately because issues to find the right venue with the right license (really hard atm as the council is not helping the venues/clubs) didn’t happen yet! 

Through my Music Culture Project I wanted also to help the community offering part of the revenue to support community kids to offer them free music classes.

Today especially because  the massive increase of cost of living the access to music classes for kids could be really hard as parents maybe can’t afford that. 

I wish to create not only a Music Culture event but also to crate a music culture community project free for kids to give them the possibility to learn.

If you would like to look at my project that could massively improve  music culture for Londoners and help kids to have access to music it will be much appreciated if you could get in touch.

That will be amazing for me and also for many kids.


Looking forward to hearing back from you. 

Thank you very much 


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Avatar for - Adelie penguin

I imagine because of transport difficulties or timing of events.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

I have found i so hard and frustrating to work out this web page and it has made me not interested in trying to participate it giving new  ideas it like the question are all  identified at the people who are contributing to the community...

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I have found i so hard and frustrating to work out this web page and it has made me not interested in trying to participate it giving new  ideas it like the question are all  identified at the people who are contributing to the community and not facing the real problem free loaders  in the system ect job seekers ad universal credit are yet again being force to be unheard no changes people from jail who  have studying but will yet again will be shamed for something they have been punished for served there time and will be penalised while people you deemed responsible take advantage of there position if you actually want t make a difference how about feeding the silver spoon to keep ur place and do what right and help the people you claim you are otherwise ur be adventally be seen for what you really are !!!!


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Avatar for - Adelie penguin

Possibly because of the number and generality of choices.

Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

Anyone who wants to experience world-class arts and culture can do so in London. There's no excuse unless someone has a physical limitation.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

Not just a 'physical limitation' but also a limitation in one's pocket toward paying for extortionate entrance fees to 'cultures of London'.

Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

Please see my other post where I give details of cheap/free musical events, such as Wigmore Hall and the opera.

You might also consider that entrance to the Victoria & Albert Museum is free. So are many exhibitions at the Design Museum. So...

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Please see my other post where I give details of cheap/free musical events, such as Wigmore Hall and the opera.

You might also consider that entrance to the Victoria & Albert Museum is free. So are many exhibitions at the Design Museum. So is entrance to the Natural History Museum (including the dinosaurs). So is entrance to the British Museum (which I still haven't seen all of, after years of trying). The Science Museum is free too. Likewise the Horniman Museum. And the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. You can walk through Tate Modern for free. You get the picture.

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Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

I'm not surprised.  There are so many different things to do in London.  Cost has to be a consideration.  

Avatar for - Tiger

Funnily enough I wrote my Master’s dissertation on how the England’s cultural industry could bounce back after covid by utilising innovative technologies to make these activities more accessible and affordable (I finished it around Sept...

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Funnily enough I wrote my Master’s dissertation on how the England’s cultural industry could bounce back after covid by utilising innovative technologies to make these activities more accessible and affordable (I finished it around Sept 2021 so fairly recent, happy to share if you think it may help?).

One thing I found is that there are/were far better initiatives in cities like Paris to encourage people (especially locals) to go out and experience cultural offerings in the city, and governments in countries like China and Japan really backed their cultural economies and merged digital & cultural policies to keep the industry ticking over throughout the pandemic. England not only lacks governmental support for these kind of initiatives both financially and in terms of passion, but it also lacks the technological skills and infrastructure to widen participation.

Even now in 2024, besides the National Arts Pass and the 2 for 1 offers on National Rail train tickets, I’m not really sure of any other incentives.

Sounds like this could develop into an interesting project, would love to keep track of this!

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Avatar for - Tiger

To answer your questions

  • What, if anything, would encourage you to experience arts and culture more often in London?

Better transport at night, more local events, better protection (recently went to a gig where so many people got pick...

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To answer your questions

  • What, if anything, would encourage you to experience arts and culture more often in London?

Better transport at night, more local events, better protection (recently went to a gig where so many people got pick pocketed for their phones, nothing could be dine about it, went to another where many women were assaulted)

  • What arts and cultural experiences do you wish were more readily available in your area?

Comedy. My local pub closed recently which put the comedy night in jeopardy for a little bit, but we need more spaces for that, and theatre as well - local grassroots stuff would be great.

  • How do you usually find out about cultural experiences? Where do you look for them?

Usually instagram or newsletters. Mainly Ticketmaster but they’re controversial


  • What has been your best experience with arts and culture in London, and why?

Definitely music concerts. I regularly visit The O2, Wembley, venues in Camden, but again with the O2 and Ticketmaster monopoly, there’s no real competition so prices are outrageous.

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Hi RSP792 

Thanks for your comments and offer to share your dissertation with us. 

You're very welcome to send it to our inbox [email protected] and we'll share it with Mike and colleagues in the Culture team.

Many thanks,

Talk London

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Avatar for - Colombian spotted frog

Discount schemes: Battersea Arts Centre and The British Library both have 'pay what you can afford' tickets for some of their events (or on certain days). I usually filter Eventbrite for free activities...but the quality isn't always great...

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Discount schemes: Battersea Arts Centre and The British Library both have 'pay what you can afford' tickets for some of their events (or on certain days). I usually filter Eventbrite for free activities...but the quality isn't always great. 

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