The Mayor’s Budget for 2024-25

Stage: Policy published

Find out more about the Mayor’s proposed spending plans and priorities for 2024-25. Have your say in our consultation before the end of Wednesday 10 January 2024.


724 Londoners have responded | 19/12/2023 - 10/01/2024

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Mayor’s 2024-25 Budget consultation 

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Every year in December, the Mayor publishes his Consultation Budget for the year ahead. 

This document sets out how he intends to deliver his priorities within the funding available to the GLA (Greater London Authority) and its five functional bodies. Together they're called the GLA Group.  

The Mayor’s part of the council tax rates for 2024-25 are set as part of this budget process. They may need to rise by an additional £37.26 for an ‘average’ Band D household. This is the equivalent of around £3.10 a month.

The Mayor’s Budget focuses on a number of priorities, including:  

  • Keeping London safe, by being tough on crime and the causes of crime. 
  • Ensuring the Met and London Fire Brigade both have the resources they need to reform and serve Londoners effectively. 
  • Building more council homes and the homes Londoners can afford.
  • Maintaining a world-class transport network in London. 
  • Continuing to offer free skills training to anyone who is unemployed or in low-paid work.
  • Providing additional support for people during the cost-of-living crisis. 
  • Providing a mentor to all young Londoners in need and positive opportunities to young Londoners at risk of getting caught up in gangs and crime. 
  • Investing in green projects so we can continue to lead the way on tackling air pollution and the climate emergency – from making our buses zero-emission to planting over half a million trees.   

What do you think of these priorities?

Tell us in the discussion below and help inform the final Budget. 

The discussion ran from 19 December 2023 - 10 January 2024


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Comments (256)

Avatar for - Pangolin

Crime reduction is necessary. We no longer have a world class transport system! They are always on strike and the current mayor cannot control the strikes except by chucking ULEZ money at the strikers. I suggest he fills the potholes...

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Crime reduction is necessary. We no longer have a world class transport system! They are always on strike and the current mayor cannot control the strikes except by chucking ULEZ money at the strikers. I suggest he fills the potholes instead. 

Use flatpack ikea housing units to build up the number of council properties. They are cheap, made to withstand freezing temperatures, well insulated and there are plenty of brownfield areas in London to build on.

Free skills training achieves very little. Apprenticeships are a better route.

The cost of living crisis is could now be reduced.

Youth mentors very necessary as are youth clubs and places for teenagers to go.

The ambulance service also needs resources as does the air ambulance.

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The priorities are missing the electrification of London; with the explosion in electric cars, scooters, etc how is the Mayor planning on ensuring the increased demand for clean electricity is met? There are a lot of roof-tops on London...

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The priorities are missing the electrification of London; with the explosion in electric cars, scooters, etc how is the Mayor planning on ensuring the increased demand for clean electricity is met? There are a lot of roof-tops on London that could have solar fitted - feeding into the grid. But more than that, where are all the new on-street charging points going, or is every house going to have an extension cable running out of the window?

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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

Level and clear sidewalks for pedestrians, please.
London is the first city I've seen that has posts in the middle of the sidewalks.

These days I had to contact the local Council to remove giant stones that were placed obstructing the...

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Level and clear sidewalks for pedestrians, please.
London is the first city I've seen that has posts in the middle of the sidewalks.

These days I had to contact the local Council to remove giant stones that were placed obstructing the sidewalks. (You will avoid legal action against Council)
Create more cycle lanes and improve the signage of existing ones before introducing other means of transport (scooters, for example).
Please, when Building more council homes were Londoners can afford, do not skimp on the acoustic treatment of these homes because no one is forced to listen to their neighbour's snoring and disturb their sleep with every step taken.

Sleeping well is good for mental health and keeping people happy, happy people don't bother anyone.

Happy people don't commit crimes and the mayor has the power to help these people be happy by planning houses, streets, sidewalks, and toilets according to human needs.

I'm sure you can do it.

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Avatar for - Sumatran elephant

Really interesting in this four points

  • Continuing to offer free skills training to anyone who is unemployed or in low-paid work.
  • Providing additional support for people during the cost-of-living crisis. 
  • Providing a mentor to all young...
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Really interesting in this four points

  • Continuing to offer free skills training to anyone who is unemployed or in low-paid work.
  • Providing additional support for people during the cost-of-living crisis. 
  • Providing a mentor to all young Londoners in need and positive opportunities to young Londoners at risk of getting caught up in gangs and crime. 
  • Investing in green projects so we can continue to lead the way on tackling air pollution and the climate emergency – from making our buses zero-emission to planting over half a million trees.
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Avatar for - American pika

No wonder Central London roads are so congested and travelling is so slow, as too many cars are on the roads and the bus islands are a disaster, especially those outside hospitals such as St Thomas' which are dangerous to older people with...

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No wonder Central London roads are so congested and travelling is so slow, as too many cars are on the roads and the bus islands are a disaster, especially those outside hospitals such as St Thomas' which are dangerous to older people with mobility issues, ( like me).  Private cars and private deliveries should not be allowed in the Central area and personal deliveries to offices in Central London, including Zone 2,  should be banned .  However, the recent cuts in buses, such as the so called 'merging' if routes 168 and 1, have led to OVERcrowding ,even during the daytime which is when I mostly travel.  Who on earth decided out buses should be cut compared to this time last year? It has led to overcrowding at bus stops because of long gaps in services and lots of arguments and grumpiness, which is often threatening and makes me feel uncomfortable.  The 168 used to take me all the way to see my friend in Belsize Park, but now I would have to go to Grange Road to get a number 1.  I would have expected twice as many buses on the #1 bus since the change in September, to compensate for this, but instead there seem to be less.  Therefore the budget should address cutting traffic, especially delivery vans, encouraging people to use shops AGAIN rather than ordering on line and INCREASING, and no DECREASING bus services.  The bus stops at the Elephant and Castle, Bakerloo LIne stop, have also been decreased and passengers have to run up and down to get their particular bus because several come at once, behind each other, but cannot move away quickly because so many people are waiting and pushing.  Then the buses cannot move   as they get held up by the traffic lights into New Kent Road , which take ages to change!  If the 168 to Tesco, Old Kent Road was still running, it would pick up some of the 'slack' leaving room for passengers on other rotes going further south.  These recent problems were all created by TfLs decision to muck about with services, which were really good

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Are you living on this planet 

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There is such strong evidence that extreme levels of social and economic inequality undermine social solidarity and damage human health, that the Mayor should make reducing levels of economic inequality his main priority.  Priorities...

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There is such strong evidence that extreme levels of social and economic inequality undermine social solidarity and damage human health, that the Mayor should make reducing levels of economic inequality his main priority.  Priorities relating to affordable housing, support for low income households and mentoring are good but should be seen explicitly as part of action on inequality.

Air pollution particularly affects poorer areas, and there should be no backpedalling on anti-pollution measures, such as the ULEZ expansion.

For London to play a major role in tackling climate change, the Mayor should re-double his engagement with networks like the C40 so national governments and international structures feel the most pressure possible from cities to act faster to phase out fossil fuels, keep carbon in the ground etc.


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Avatar for - Amur leopard

I have 2 main issues with London.

  1. I am a cyclist and car driver. But especially when cycling often feel I am in danger, people are driving recklessly, we need more education about the cyclists and more police to tell them and take action.  
  2. Q...
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I have 2 main issues with London.

  1. I am a cyclist and car driver. But especially when cycling often feel I am in danger, people are driving recklessly, we need more education about the cyclists and more police to tell them and take action.  
  2. Quite dirty. 
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 cyclist should be made to pay insurance and  road tax they use the roads that the motorist have paid for, along with funding the cycle paths 

Avatar for - Tiger

We should be ashamed as a nation at the high levels of homelessness in our capital city.  Since the measures taken during the pandemic to get everyone in, street homelessness has increased hugely along with other other more hidden forms of...

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We should be ashamed as a nation at the high levels of homelessness in our capital city.  Since the measures taken during the pandemic to get everyone in, street homelessness has increased hugely along with other other more hidden forms of homelessness. This is due to the cost of living crisis, the way we treat asylum seekers and those with no recourse to public funds and lack of truly affordable housing.  Ending  homelessness must be a priority for any society. 

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We need to stop housing asylum seekers and provide for people of our own nation 

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Antisocial behaviour legislation needs to be revisited to make properties lived in by those, who were facing homelessness, enjoy the same protections as other tenants. Councils are starting to look into HMOs, which is encouraging. However...

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Antisocial behaviour legislation needs to be revisited to make properties lived in by those, who were facing homelessness, enjoy the same protections as other tenants. Councils are starting to look into HMOs, which is encouraging. However, being told by a noise officer that several of the usual routes to deal with troublemakers only really apply to council tenants is woefully disheartening. Complicated scenarios cloud the way such as landlords not being required to soundproof a house converted into 1-room, 'self-contained studios' for LHA tenants. Perhaps there could be some kind of home improvement scheme for landlords and property developers, who actually want to create liveable spaces for this growing demographic.

Housing to reduce homelessness is a noble thing. How about finding more ways to focus on policing and improving the living conditions of so many people, who have to endure LHA rate accommodation in London. Many, who suffer in silence while trying to maintain their mental health and dignity in the shadow of antisocial behaviour veterans, who know little can be done to curb their ways in such properties. More focus on checking that landlords have really tackled all the fundamental issues in their properties to ensure their tenants are not living with damp, with poor ventilation, poor water pressure and no heating; with main front doors patched up but left unlocked and never repaired no matter how many times tenants complain. Tenants in my building are suffering from such issues but I saw far worse while spending the alloted 56 days flat hunting under the council's duty of care. I am unreservedly grateful for this studio and for the other stakeholders, who came to my aid at a critical time.

This housing stock needs scrutiny and improving through legislation, so those of us, struggling to get our lives back on track after traumatic changes can at least be given the right to a quality of life that doesn't make us feel like forgotten 3rd class citizens.

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Avatar for - Adelie penguin

Just on my way back from Biarritz in France. France use the small electric buses for shorter neighbourhood travel. They are free of charge. It could be a very good solution for many neighbourhood in London - particular families with young...

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Just on my way back from Biarritz in France. France use the small electric buses for shorter neighbourhood travel. They are free of charge. It could be a very good solution for many neighbourhood in London - particular families with young children travel to nurseries and the first years of school. Time to develop new public transport that support families in London.

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Avatar for - Tiger

These priorities are commendable, but I am keen to understand the specific initiatives being implemented to support them. For example, regarding the provision of additional support for people during the cost of living crisis, I would...

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These priorities are commendable, but I am keen to understand the specific initiatives being implemented to support them. For example, regarding the provision of additional support for people during the cost of living crisis, I would appreciate more details on the type of support available, the target recipients, and the process for accessing this assistance, not only for this but all the action points.

A significant concern for me, and one that I have observed prominently in London and my local community, is the issue of homelessness. Simply exiting a tube station at Morden, Tooting Broadway, or Balham at any time of day reveals the sheer extent of the problem and almost a forgotten underclass.

Additionally, there is a noticeable rise in shoplifting, with individuals blatantly removing items from stores and walking out. At London Underground, people barge through the barriers in front of TFL staff and do not pay. These are daily occurrences. The shoplifting issue has also been exacerbated by larger retail stores with their no-staff policy and self-service checkouts, which means fewer people are being employed and less care and attention to people. Nobody seems to care, and while homelessness is present, it extends across the entire city. Homeless individuals begging at traffic lights and people sleeping rough in Wandsworth are visible manifestations of a pervasive issue that affects us all, even those living in 2 and 3-million-pound houses.

More needs to be done. The sight of individuals sleeping rough should not be commonplace, and everyone should have access to at least one meal a day. I am curious to know what specific measures are being taken to address homelessness and provide basic necessities. Understanding the actionable steps being implemented will help gauge the city's commitment to resolving these pressing issues.

Being born and raised in London (52 years), Londoners will do more to support, but it needs for the mayor to start the initiatives and communicate

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Regarding; Maintaining a world-class transport network in London. Could an appropriate adjustment be made to address discrimination of the SE region? Having a simple zoomed-out view in the Santander app will demonstrate this in a visual way...

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Regarding; Maintaining a world-class transport network in London. Could an appropriate adjustment be made to address discrimination of the SE region? Having a simple zoomed-out view in the Santander app will demonstrate this in a visual way, clearly displaying the disparity in bike docking station options in comparison to other areas of London. Do SE residents not deserve proportionally similar options to move around?

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Using public Transportation is a joke , its dirty and expenses along with being unreliable because the train drivers want to take stike action when it suits them


Stop the mayor from funding TFL  

Avatar for - Gorilla

As a series of headlines, it's motherhood and apple pie; what's not to like?  The devil is, of course, in the details. 

  1. London is a rich man's playground and is unfordable for most ordinary working people. We need free transport for the...
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As a series of headlines, it's motherhood and apple pie; what's not to like?  The devil is, of course, in the details. 

  1. London is a rich man's playground and is unfordable for most ordinary working people. We need free transport for the unemployed and under sixteens to help with the cost of living crisis and aid social mobility for struggling families.  I think all these initiatives should state the total population affected by an issue and how many people will be supported or positively impacted by the Mayor's budget proposals. 
  2. The Mayor should follow Ken Livingstone's example and ensure that any additional funding from the precept for the Met or LFB is contingent on delivering agreed race equality outcomes. Why are Black and Asian Londoners forced to pay for an oppressive and unrepresentative public service that discriminates against us? 
  3. The millions of pounds of criminal recovered assets should be repurposed for community-led public health violence reduction initiatives. 
  4. Council housing. Poor families with teenage children are overcrowded, and many young people are forced to leave London because of cost. This has led to poor families being fragmented, broken and separated.  Your proposed response is a necessary but insufficient response to the housing crisis. We need a bold, creative and popular strategy that offers nit meaningless and best marginal statistics. 
  5. Mentoring is a failed concept and is resonant with Boris Johsnon's 1000 Black Mentors for 1000 Black Boys, which predictably failed to materialise. A more systemic solution would be to return to the idea of wrap-around schools, which are an underused resource for local communities. Not usually open in the late evening or at weekends. In the most deprived areas of London, the fact that schools are not seen as a community resource and combined with community education, mental health and well-being and expert employment services is a scandal. You could find the budget to trailblaze a number of pilots.
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Avatar for - Tiger

The main priority - which the present incumbent has failed on - is for the reduction of crime, and to stop wasting money on expensive / woke policies that are aimed / targeted to benefit a minority of the London population.

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Your a hero my friend totally agree 

Avatar for - Adelie penguin

Air pollution is very costly and it is very important to reduce the cost and minimise the cost for NHS. Public transport need to be cheaper - Today a Londoner pay £156 per month in zone 1-2. A person in Helsinki pay £50 for public...

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Air pollution is very costly and it is very important to reduce the cost and minimise the cost for NHS. Public transport need to be cheaper - Today a Londoner pay £156 per month in zone 1-2. A person in Helsinki pay £50 for public transportation and a person in Stockholm pay £80 per month. 

It is a need of a commission build consensus on the issue of airpollution. Try to go away from politics. If the Conservative would stand outside a commission based on science. It is up to them.


It should be a tax exchange system in place - polluter pay principle - 

Idling policy and action should be harder.

Smart and better policy and action in the field of incentives for clean vehicles 

Procurement policies and and action incentives for Small Businneses.

Incentives for families with young children on public transport

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This is because the mayor is fleecing everyone

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Crime to clearly include the crimes causing road danger, speeding, phone use, illegal parking, close passing,  & leading to people being killed & serious injured

Avatar for - Vaquita

We must tackle to rreduce rents in London so nneed more social housing bbuilding programed by local councils 

Avatar for - Staghorn coral

Please tackle knife crime & gang violence in London.

Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

A crack down on crime is needed to deter the rise in criminality, theft and knife crime that thugs so brazenly act out.  I also think this crackdown should include minor crime such as Littering, and fines should be set for not recycling...

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A crack down on crime is needed to deter the rise in criminality, theft and knife crime that thugs so brazenly act out.  I also think this crackdown should include minor crime such as Littering, and fines should be set for not recycling. London has become a dump, and people have no regard for the areas they live in! It is the poorest areas that are the dirtiest of course - you go into Mayfair and its looked after beautifully. 

  • Its not just council homes that are needed - private rent has become extortionate and rental accommodation is not held to the standard it should be. 
  • More trees are needed on streets to promote well being, the environment, and keep them cooler as the summer gets hotter. I love that this has been included in the budget, it may seem like a low priority but it makes a HUGE difference to peoples health and happiness to be surrounded by nature. more needs to be done to combat the climate crisis. 
  • where can we sign up to be mentors? 



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Avatar for - Monarch butterfly

These are my top 3 chosen priorities for them to tackle:

  • Keeping London safe, by being tough on crime and the causes of crime. 
  • Providing additional support for people during the cost-of-living crisis. This help should be given to people...
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These are my top 3 chosen priorities for them to tackle:

  • Keeping London safe, by being tough on crime and the causes of crime. 
  • Providing additional support for people during the cost-of-living crisis. This help should be given to people especially those who are with the Rank & File status.
  • Bring down the cost of rents for the homes Londoners can afford. 
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The mayor has added to the cost of living crisis through his unreasonable and questionable actions and price hikes suggest we sack him