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  • London Bus Driver Deaths from Covid-19: Misleading Londoners about your Leadership at TfL during the Covid-19 Pandemic

    • Reference: 2023/0114
    • Question by: Keith Prince
    • Meeting date: 19 January 2023
    In your response to question 2022/1213, you state “throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, TfL and I have followed Public Health England guidance” a turn-of-phrase you have regularly used (cf. your responses to, inter alia, questions 2021/4894, 2021/3880, 2021/3716, 2021/2854). Will you acknowledge (a) that TfL’s 9 April 2020 decision to issue masks and gloves to Dial-a-Ride drivers directly contravened both PHE guidance and the advice TfL was giving at the same time to Unite the Union and bus operators, (b) you had the power to make mask-wearing a requirement on public transport, (c) your apparent failure to use your statutory powers...
  • Deaths of at least 26 Bus Drivers from Covid-19 after March 2020 Lockdown

    • Reference: 2021/4496
    • Question by: Keith Prince
    • Meeting date: 18 November 2021
    Further to your long-delayed response to Question 2021/2854, do you accept that the deaths of the 26 bus workers who died after May 2020—i.e., a fatality total nearly equal to the 27 who died between March and May 2020—cannot be blamed on the lateness of lockdown?