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A The Mayor will, and other partners including relevant London boroughs and sub-regions should, engage with relevant agencies beyond London to identify and develop:

a linkages across, and capacity of, nationally recognised growth areas which include parts of London (the Thames Gateway and London-Stansted-Cambridge-Peterborough)

b timescales and mechanisms for co-ordinating planning and investment in corridors of city region importance which connect London with the wider city region, including the Western Wedge, Wandle Valley and London-Luton-Bedford corridors.

LDF preparation

B In preparing DPDs, relevant boroughs should develop appropriate policies and proposals in consultation with neighbouring authorities and agencies outside London to implement growth areas and co-ordination corridors programmes

Supporting text

2.15 With the scale of growth expected in London, places with the scope for accommodating new homes and jobs will be of particular importance. The Mayor supports the development of the two growth areas designated by national Government and which fall partly within London – the Thames Gateway and the London-Stansted-Cambridge-Peterborough growth area. He will work with relevant agencies in London and neighbouring regions to support their development.

2.16 In line with the duty to co-operate, the Mayor will also help coordinate the development and implementation of policies (encouraging use of local strategies and development mechanisms) for corridors that have been identified as being of importance to London and the wider city region:

  • the Western Wedge extending from west London to the Thames Valley
  • the Wandle Valley corridor through south London and outwards towards Gatwick Airport
  • the London-Luton-Bedford strategic coordination corridor.

2.17 Informed by the report and continuing work of the Outer London Commission, a focused approach will be taken to integrating existing and new transport infrastructure with land use and development capacity both within London and across its borders. This will provide the basis for greater economic synergies between the constellation of business locations in and around London, supported by more effective cross border working arrangements. One example is the suggestion by the West London Partnership to refine the ‘Western Wedge’ by developing the potential of three transport corridors within it.

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