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A Architecture should make a positive contribution to a coherent public realm, streetscape and wider cityscape. It should incorporate the highest quality materials and design appropriate to its context.

Planning decisions

B Buildings and structures should:

a be of the highest architectural quality

b be of a proportion, composition, scale and orientation that enhances, activates and appropriately defines the public realm

c comprise details and materials that complement, not necessarily replicate, the local architectural character

d not cause unacceptable harm to the amenity of surrounding land and buildings, particularly residential buildings, in relation to privacy, overshadowing, wind and microclimate. This is particularly important for tall buildings

e incorporate best practice in resource management and climate change mitigation and adaptation

f provide high quality indoor and outdoor spaces and integrate well with the surrounding streets and open spaces

g be adaptable to different activities and land uses, particularly at ground level

h meet the principles of inclusive design

i optimise the potential of sites

Supporting text

7.21 Architecture should contribute to the creation of a cohesive built environment that enhances the experience of living, working or visiting in the city. This is often best achieved by ensuring new buildings reference, but not necessarily replicate, the scale, mass and detail of the predominant built form surrounding them, and by using the highest quality materials. Contemporary architecture is encouraged, but it should be respectful and sympathetic to the other architectural styles that have preceded it in the locality. All buildings should help create streets and places that are human in scale so that their proportion and composition enhances, activates and appropriately encloses the public realm, as well as allowing them to be easily understood, enjoyed and kept secured. The building form and layout should have regard to the density and character of the surrounding development and should not prejudice the development opportunities of surrounding sites.

7.22 A building should enhance the amenity and vitality of the surrounding streets. It should make a positive contribution to the landscape and relate well to the form, proportion, scale and character of streets, existing open space, waterways and other townscape and topographical features, including the historic environment. New development, especially large and tall buildings, should not have a negative impact on the character or amenity of neighbouring sensitive land uses. Lighting of, and on, buildings should be energy efficient and appropriate for the physical context.

7.23 The massing, scale and layout of new buildings should help make public spaces coherent and complement the existing streetscape. They should frame the public realm at a human scale and provide a mix of land uses that activate its edges and enhance permeability in the area. New buildings should integrate high quality urban design ensuring an appropriate balance between designing out crime principles and appropriate levels of permeability. Consideration should also be given to the future management of buildings in their design and construction.

7.24 New buildings should achieve the highest standards of environmental, social and economic sustainability by meeting the standards of sustainable design and construction set out in Chapter 5 and by being consistent with the existing or planned future capacity of social, transport and green infrastructure.

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