Circular Economy Statement Guidance
A circular economy is one where materials are retained in use at their highest value for as long as possible and are then reused or recycled, leaving a minimum of residual waste.
What is the Circular Economy Statement Guidance?
The London Plan Guidance Circular Economy Statements puts circular economy principles at the heart of designing new buildings, requiring buildings that can more easily be dismantled and adapted over their lifetime. It treats building materials as resources rather than waste, and puts in place a clear hierarchy, prioritising the retention of existing structures above demolition, where this is the more sustainable and appropriate approach.
The guidance applies to the largest developments in London that are referable to the Mayor, as required by London Plan Policy 2021 SI 7, however boroughs are encouraged to apply the policies for smaller developments.
Adopting circular economy approaches will play a significant role in addressing the challenge of the climate emergency.
The guidance was shaped by a range of individuals and organisations. A consultation on the draft guidance took place between October 2020 to January 2021. Online seminars were held during the consultation, attended by 100 people. The consultation summary report summarises the feedback received, and how this informed the final guidance.
An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) for the guidance is also available.
The submission of a post-construction report should be secured by LPAs either by condition or obligation. Suggested wording for securing post-construction monitoring reports is available. LPAs are free to adapt this wording and/or the mechanisms for securing post-construction monitoring reports, provided that these are always submitted to the GLA for referable applications.
The Circular Economy (CE) statement must include two parts: a written report and the CE template spreadsheet.
Annual Monitoring Reports
The Circular Economy Statement Monitoring Report is published annually. It presents the outcomes secured by the implementation of the London Plan Circular Economy Policy through the planning system for planning applications referable to the Mayor.
A Circular Economy Statement is required for all major referable planning applications, setting out how the London Plan circular economy policy will be met within the development.
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Further information
- Email: [email protected]
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