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Trial of Zero Emission Propulsion Projects

Key information

Reference code: PCD 226

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

The MPS is seeking approval to undertake a number of procurement actions to enable two hydrogen vehicle projects to be undertaken. These comprise of:

• A trial of 7 zero emission hydrogen Suzuki GB PLC scooters over an 18 month period for Roads Transport Policing use. This will involve installing a hydrogen refuelling station on the Catford site and will allow users to test new zero emission technology. This may be run in conjunction with the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC). This would allow the MPS to access grant funding.

• The initiation of hydrogen car procurement action up to the value of £2.6m, this equates to approximately 60 vehicles and will be funded through the vehicle replacement program and its associated approved capital program. A grant from Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) will also be utilised.


The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is asked to:

Hydrogen Scooter Project

1) Accept the loan of 7 scooters from Suzuki GB PLC.

2) Become a member of the Advanced Propulsion Centre to enable the MPS to be eligible to claim back 96.5% of the project costs via a grant available to consortium project members.

3) Approve to undertake a Single Tender Action and award to Air Products PLC for an 18 month contract for the supply, installation and rental of hydrogen re-fuelling infrastructure. This will also include the supply of hydrogen fuel for the duration of the trial.

4) Agree to allow the MPS’s Property Services Department (PSD) to construct a lease agreement to facilitate third party hydrogen refuelling infrastructure to be installed on our Catford Site.

Hydrogen Vehicle Project

5) Approve to initiate procurement action for hydrogen vehicles up to the value of £2.6m. This will be funded from Fleet Services approved capital program over the next 4 years in line with the Vehicle Replacement Program. Funding will also be obtained from a grant offered by FCH JU.

6) Approve to undertake a Single Tender Action and award to ITM Power PLC for the supply of fuel cards for up to 60 hydrogen assets. This will be funded from existing MPS devolved fuel budgets.

7) Approve to undertake a Single Tender Action and award to Air Products PLC for the supply of fuel cards for up to 60 hydrogen vehicles.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. The MPS is working towards reducing the impact its vehicle fleet has on the environment in terms of emissions. To support this aim the MPS wishes to embark on two zero emission hydrogen projects – Hydrogen Scooter Project and the Hydrogen Vehicle Project. Both of these projects will provide the MPS with the opportunity to test new innovative technology which produces zero emissions at the point of use. This is in line with the Mayor’s vision for a cleaner London and also supports the MPS’s Environmental and Sustainability Management Framework to explore new ways of reducing our emissions.

1.2. The MPS is in the unique position of being the only organisation outside of Japan, that has been approached by Suzuki GB PLC to trial their hydrogen scooters. The Hydrogen Vehicle Project will enable the MPS to receive EU grant funding towards the cost of 10 vehicles as part of the MPS’s vehicle replacement programme. The MPS previously received approval to apply for the EU grant funding and the bid has been coordinated and submitted by Element Energy.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. In order for the MPS to reduce its vehicle emissions and its reliance on fossil fuels, alternative fuel types need to be examined. These zero emission hydrogen propulsion projects provide the MPS with the opportunity to examine these alternatives and provide the necessary empirical evidence to support any changes to the MPS vehicle fleet.

2.2. See the Part 2 for details.

3. Financial Comments

3.1. Hydrogen Scooter Trial

This project will involve the trial of 7 hydrogen scooters, which will be on loan to the MPS from Suzuki GB PLC. The cost to the MPS for participation in this trial can be contained within existing budget resources.

3.2. Hydrogen Vehicle Project

The procurement of up to 60 hydrogen vehicles will be part of the MPS vehicle replacement programme and as such £2.4m will be funded from the Fleet capital plan. The MPS will be receiving an EU grant of £0.2m towards the cost of 10 vehicles.

3.3. Further details are discussed in the Part 2.

4.1. There are no legal implications arising from this report.

5. Equality Comments

5.1. There are no direct equality or diversity implications arising from this report

6. Background/supporting papers

6.1. Report.

Signed decision document

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