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Transformation Funding Awards

Key information

Reference code: PCD 291

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

This report provides a summary of the successful funding allocations that have been awarded to MOPAC/MPS in 2017/18 from the:

• Police Transformation Fund;

• Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Service Transformation Fund.

This decision is requesting approval to formally accept the successful funding allocations.



The DMPC is asked to:

• Approve the acceptance of the funding allocations totalling £23.284m, as outlined in Appendix A;

• Approve a collaboration with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. This report provides a summary of the successful funding allocations that have been awarded to MOPAC/MPS in 2017/18 from the:

• Police Transformation Fund;

• Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Service Transformation Fund.

2. Issues for consideration

Police Transformation Fund

2.1. The Police Transformation Fund is intended to transform policing by investing in digital technologies, creating a diverse and flexible workforce and new capabilities to respond to changing crimes and threats. Forces and Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC’s) had an opportunity to submit expressions of interests and subsequent bids to apply for funding from the 2017/18 Police Transformation Fund. The fund is a multi-year fund, with funding covering the financial years 2017 to 2020.

2.2. Funding is allocated to a lead PCC with a number of projects involving high levels of collaboration between PCC’s and other partners.

2.3. Successful bids totaling £21.520m have been awarded directly to MOPAC/MPS in 2017/18 as the lead PCC for the following projects:

• Commercial Collaboration;

• Multi-Agency Stalking Interventions Programme;

• Specialist Capabilities Programme;

• London Child House;

• Collaborative Contact and Response;

• The Drive project;

• Implementing the Transformation of Police Training and Development.

2.4. A breakdown of the funding by project and financial year is provided in Appendix A.

2.5. In addition, funding has been awarded through other PCC’s to MOPAC/MPS as partners working in collaboration on the following projects:

• Modern Slavery through the PCC for Devon and Cornwall;

• Digital Policing Portfolio through the PCC for Sussex.

2.6. Funding has been awarded to the PCC for Devon and Cornwall for the introduction of a number of projects to improve the national policing response to Modern Slavery. The bid created seven national and regional units/functions. A collaboration has been approved with the PCC for Devon and Cornwall from the PTF funding, with funding of £0.264m awarded to the MPS for the establishment of NRM Triage Centre within the MPS and two regional roles (DMPC Decision PCD294).

2.7. Funding has also been awarded to the PCC for Sussex for Digital Policing Portfolio projects including Digital Evidence Transfer Service and Digital Public Contact. The Digital Public Contact project includes the delivery of a Single Online Home for Policing, with nationally consistent, locally branded services creating the concept of a digital ‘police station’.

2.8. Funding of £0.500m has been agreed to enable the MPS to take part in a proof of concept managed by the Public Access programme using the MPS website design and functionality.

2.9. The funding will be used to deliver a proof of concept with Thames Valley and Hampshire police forces, coordinated by the Digital Policing Portfolio project team, to test how the MPS website platform could be rolled out to other forces. Approval for this collaboration is requested.

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Service Transformation Fund

2.10. A three-year VAWG Service Transformation Fund was launched in 2017, which is designed to support earlier intervention and prevention so that fewer women reach crisis point.

2.11. MOPAC has been awarded a total of £1.000m over financial years 2017 to 2020 from this fund.

3. Financial Comments

3.1. This is a financial report and the details are set out in the body of the report.

4.1. This report seeks DMPC approval to accept a total of £23.284m grant funding and approve a collaboration with the PCC for Sussex.

4.2. Paragraph 4.5 of the MOPAC’s Scheme of Consent and Delegation provides the DMPC with delegated power for approving a collaboration agreement under s22 Police Act 1996 where the approval of MOPAC is required by that Act.

4.3. Paragraph 4.8 of the MOPAC's Scheme of Consent and Delegation provides the DMPC with delegated power to approve the strategy for the award of individual grants and/or the award of all individual grants whether to secure or contribute to securing crime reduction in London or for other purposes.

5. Equality Comments

5.1. The equality and diversity considerations for each of these projects was initially assessed when the bids were submitted. Some by their very nature have the equality impact at their core, e.g. VAWG bid.

5.2. As all of these projects move to the implementation phase the equality and diversity assessments will be re-visited to ensure that any unlawful discrimination is eliminated; that equality of opportunity is advanced and fostering good relations (tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people who share a protected characteristic and others) is progressed.

5.3. The evaluation for each project will also include full consideration of the equality and diversity impact.

Signed decision document

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