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Request for financial assistance

Key information

Reference code: PCD 799

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) is asked to consider an application for additional funding in the sum of £5,150.00 (excl VAT) for a serving member of police staff at a forthcoming inquest.

The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime has the discretion to authorise financial assistance for police officers and staff where it would be conducive to the maintenance of an efficient and effective police force


The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to: approve the application for financial assistance made by the Applicant for the sum of £5150.00 (excl VAT) for the reasons set out in part two.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

Introduction and background

1.1. These proceedings concern the representation of a member of police staff at inquest proceedings. This is the 2nd application. 1.2. The Applicant represents that they satisfy the criteria for entitlement to financial assistance namely: that they were performing their official duties; that they were acting in good faith and there was no neglect or wilful default on their part; and that they exercised reasonable judgement. The facts provided by the Applicant in support of their representation for financial assistance are set out in the exempt report.

1.3. The Commissioner’s position in relation to the Applicant’s representations for financial assistance are set out in the exempt report.

1.4. There is a conflict of interest between the position of the Commissioner and the Applicant and accordingly the DMPC will need to consider whether the Applicant requires separate legal representation and financial assistance.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. For the DMPC to consider whether there is a conflict of interest requiring separate representation and financial assistance and whether the financial assistance will secure an efficient and effective Police Service

3. Financial Comments

3.1. The solicitors acting for the Applicants have submitted an estimate of the additional costs of the separate representation in support of the application for financial assistance, in the sum of £5150.00 (excl VAT)

3.2. The cost of these legal fees, if authorised, will be met from the 1996 Police Act Expenditure budget within the MPS Directorate of Legal Services’ budget.

4. Legal Comments

4.1. MOPAC has the power to act under paragraph 14 of Schedule 1 to the PRSRA 2011 to meet the costs of legal representation of police officers and staff involved in proceedings

4.2. The DMPC has delegated authority under section 4.9 of the Scheme of Consent and Delegation 2016, to consider the current application

4.3. Home Office Circular 010/2017 provides guidance which applies to MOPAC. In conclusion it states

PCD November 2018 3

“…police officers and staff must be confident that local policing bodies will provide financial assistance, whether in full or part, for officers facing legal proceedings where they have acted in good faith and have exercised their judgement reasonably”.

5. GDPR and Data Privacy

5.1. The processing of personal data has been minimised as part of this decision and is held within Part 2 of the report.

5.2. Part 2 of this Report is exempt because it falls within an exemption specified in para 2(2) of the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 and/or under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, e.g. because the information amounts to personal data, is confidential or commercially sensitive.

6. Equality Comments

6.1. To continue policing with the consent of the population it serves, the police will always seek to treat everyone fairly and openly. Race or equality issues do not appear to have an impact in this matter.

7. Background/supporting papers

7.1. N/A.

Signed decision document

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