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Reference code: PCD 536

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

MetTrace is the MPS flagship crime prevention project to reduce residential burglary. The MPS mission is to focus on crime that matters to Londoners and take more of a preventative stance. MetTrace is a corporate response to a crime trend that has a significant impact on Londoners. It also focusses on supporting vulnerable and repeat victims in line with MOPAC’s Police and Crime Plan. Based on the success of the first project it will continue to reduce burglary in areas that are identified as most at risk.


The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to:

• Approval to commence and award a tender for a new phase of MetTrace for 5 years

• Note that £5.6m cost over 5 years is included within existing approved MPS budgets.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. MetTrace is a unique, invisible to the naked eye, property-marking solution that enables almost any stolen item of property to be identified. The liquids show up under UV light. The approach should be viewed as an overarching strategy that creates both a more difficult environment and has a psychological impact, to alter offender behaviour. All deployments are supported by signage within and surrounding the designated area, press coverage, the targeting of second hand stores and scanning of prisoners and property, and covert deployments. A key part of the strategy is achieving intense saturation of product in the target area (typically 85%). If households were to take up the product on a self-funded and ad hoc basis the strategy would not deliver the equivalent crime reductions.

1.2. The overarching principle of MetTrace is to change offender behaviour through fear that stolen property would be identifiable and traced back to the owner. To achieve maximum impact the project must reach out to as many London households and communities as possible. The higher the saturation across London the greater the impact. For example, an offender in one part of London who offends in another is more likely to know of the project and the risks of entering a MetTrace protected area.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. The number of MetTrace kits is flexible and is dependent on cost per unit. It cannot be finalised until tender. The proposal is for a minimum of 440,000 MetTrace kits over 5 years, but this could be substantially higher if the kit price remains at a similar level to the previous contract. These will be distributed geographically, with a primary focus on high-risk burglary areas. Based on the successes to date and a linear trend, this is predicted to reduce 7,652 residential burglaries, which equates to 109,567 police hours saved.

2.2. The primary resources used to deliver MetTrace kits are DWOs [restricted to their own wards] and the 60 dedicated Prevention PCSOs [5 per BCU] funded by MOPAC. This will maximise engagement opportunities at a local level. The Prevention PCSOs will be conducting a ‘prevention role’, with an emphasis on delivery of MetTrace kits and wider support of the project e.g. conducting visits to second hand retailers.

3. Financial and Commercial Comments

3.1. £1.12m has been set aside in the Frontline Policing budget to cover the annual costs for 5 years (total cost £5.6m over 5 years). £1.12m is already in the current financial years’ (18/19) budget and is therefore baselined. MetTrace expenditure will be contained within this annual budget.

4.1. The MOPAC is a contracting authority as defined in the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the PCRs). All awards of public contracts for goods or services valued at £181,302 or more must be procured in accordance with the PCRs. This report confirms that the request exceeds the £181,302 threshold and therefore the PCRs are engaged.

4.2. Paragraph 4.13 of the MOPAC Scheme of Delegation and Consent provides that the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC) has delegated authority to approve all requests to go out to tender for contracts of £500,000 or above.

4.3. There are no significant legal implications. The proposed project extension does not deviate from the general principles in place under the current contract.

5. GDPR and Data Privacy

5.1. The MPS is subject to the requirements and conditions placed on it as a 'State' body to comply with the European Convention of Human Rights and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018. Both legislative requirements place an obligation on the MPS to process personal data fairly and lawfully in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.

5.2. Under Article 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Section 57 of the DPA 2018, Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) become mandatory for organisations with technologies and processes that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights of the data subjects.

5.3. The Information Assurance and Information Rights units within MPS will be consulted at all stages to ensure the project meets its compliance requirements.

5.4. The Information Assurance and Information Rights units has been consulted to ensure the project meets its compliance requirements.

5.5. A Data Sharing Agreement is in place between the MPS and the existing supplier (SmartWater) and similar agreement will be implemented for the new contract. The statement of requirements used for the tender process includes a section on compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.

6. Equality Comments

6.1. This business case has undergone initial equality screening. Due regard has been taken to the Equality Act’s Public Sector Equality Duty.

6.2. Suppliers will be assessed prior to entering into agreements to ensure they comply with relevant legislation and the procurement process will meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty.

7. Background/supporting papers

7.1. None.

Signed decision document

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