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Intelligence Target Operating Model Phase 1 Outline Business Case

Key information

Reference code: PCD 484

Date signed:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

Executive summary

This Outline Business Case seeks approval to immediately implement an Intelligence Target Operating Model to support frontline policing to tackle current violent crime and safeguarding pressures by redistributing existing intelligence functions, staff and officers from central to local and specialist crime. This approval includes a small investment in intelligence staff and officers, support for the filling of intelligence vacancies and approval of the funding required to implement the model.


The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to:

1. Approve the preferred option for the immediate implementation of the Intelligence Target Operating Model with the following:

a. An increase in total Met Intelligence BWT of 5 police staff (5 Band E) at a revenue cost of £0.206M per annum, to be funded from police staff underspends in 2018/19 and put into an earmarked reserve to be used in 2019/20. The budget pressure will then be built into the Medium Term Financial Plan as pressure to be mitigated by savings found in the budget scrutiny process for 2020/21.

b. An increase in total Met Intelligence BWT of 4 police officers (1 DCI, 4 DI/Insp with removal of 1 DSU) to be found by each business group providing a percentage of the officer requirement based on their non-funded BWT.

c. Capital funding of £0.374M from the updated MPS Capital Plan that will be submitted in November to MOPAC as part of the budget submission and approved in February for IT hardware changes on BCUs and SC Hubs to accommodate more intelligence staff/officers.

d. Revenue funding of £0.329M from the Major Change Fund for required IT and Estate changes on BCUs and SC Hubs, business change activities and scoping of potential future intelligence IT solutions.

e. Upgrade Met Intelligence to a high priority business group in the MPS posting process in order to fill all current Met Intelligence vacancies.

2. Approve the project to return to the Board within the next 12 months with a separate Full Business Case evidencing the need for additional investment in Met Intelligence and a new intelligence resource model. It is anticipated that this new FBC will be requesting investment broadly in-line with Option 2 in this Outline Business Case, however this will be confirmed when the FBC is presented to the Board.

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

1. Introduction and background

1.1. The purpose of this Outline Business Case (OBC) is to seek approval to immediately implement an Intelligence Target Operating Model (TOM) to support frontline policing to tackle current violent crime and safeguarding pressures by redistributing existing intelligence functions, staff and officers from central to local and specialist crime.

1.2. The project has undertaken an extensive design period with the support of target operating model experts to assist with the design of the Intelligence TOM.

1.3. The aim of the Intelligence TOM is to improve the effectiveness of the Met Intelligence service, in order for the MPS to develop enhanced intelligence and create opportunity to drive tasking in order to prevent and tackle violent crime and safeguard more vulnerable people.

2. Issues for consideration

2.1. The preferred option is to fill current vacancies through redistribution of current staff and officers to deliver the planned TOM with minimal investment at this stage. A further case for investment will then be made within the next 12 months.

3. Financial Comments

3.1. Capital costs of £0.374m will be funded from the updated MPS Capital Plan that will be submitted for approval as part of the budget submission for 2019/20.

3.2. Revenue costs of £0.329m will be funded from the Major Change Fund.

3.3. Ongoing costs for increasing the numbers of police staff (£0.206m) will be funded initially from police staff underspends in 2018/19 and put into an earmarked reserve to be used in 2019/20. The budget pressure will then be built into the Medium Term Financial Plan as pressures to be mitigated by savings found in the budget scrutiny process for 2020/21.

4.1. MPS Directorate of Legal Services (DLS) have been consulted as part of the assurance process and no concerns have been raised to date. Key stakeholders, including DLS will be engaged throughout the project and prior to the implementation of any change.

5. GDPR/Data Privacy

5.1. With support from the Information Rights Unit, the project has undertaken an initial Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). No privacy issues have been identified to date, but the DPIA will continue throughout the life of the project and will be undertaken when scoping any potential future intelligence software solutions.

6. Equality Comments

6.1. Since the inception of the project, an Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) has been maintained with the support and guidance from the Strategy Diversity & Inclusion team. This will be an ongoing activity throughout the life of the project.

6.2. New working locations and shift patterns may have some impact on the protective characteristics of some police officers and staff. Police buildings generally have sufficient facilities to accommodate all officers and staff but once it is known where each individual will be working as part of the new estate footprint, exact requirements can be identified to ensure all buildings will be fit for purpose.

6.3. Impact to individuals and communities outside the MPS continues to be assessed. Currently, no circumstances resulting from the project changes have been identified that would impact these groups.

7. Background/supporting papers

7.1. Report.

Signed decision document

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