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Paddington Green Redevelopment

Key information

Reference code: DMPCD 2016 36

Date signed:

Decision by: Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

Executive summary

This paper proposes the redevelopment of the Paddington Green site in order to release land for housing and for the provision of police facilities.


The DMPC is asked to

1. Note the opportunity available to MOPAC to maximise land values at Paddington through the release of surplus land with the redevelopment of a smaller footprint of land and support the sale of surplus land as set out in part 2 of the report which will support wider Mayoral objectives to deliver housing on surplus public land;

2. Approve the allocation of funding as set out in part 2 of the report to fund the development of a new building on the retained land at Paddington and the associated funding making necessary adjustments to the approved capital programme for 2016/17 - 2018/19;

3. Approve the construction and relocation of the Front Counter as part of the redeveloped land on the existing Paddington Green site. Noting the provision of a temporary front counter and Safer Neighbourhood facilities in the Paddington Green area during the construction period;

4. Approve the procurement of the pre-construction and subsequent design and construction services up to ‘shell and core’ (including the temporary front counter) through a Development Agreement and the appointment of consultants using the MPS Professional Services Framework, TTIP Frameworks and the procurement of contracts through appropriate frameworks, as applicable for the other temporary works, subsequent fit out works and technology related works.

5. Support the interim relocation proposals for those remaining teams currently at Paddington Green.

6. Support the opportunity to release consequent accommodation in the future

7. Note that this proposal generates net capital receipts

Non-confidential facts and advice to the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (DMPC)

The MOPAC/MPS Estates Strategy 2013-2016 seeks to provide suitable accommodation to meet operational requirements, reducing the amount of space occupied and maximising the use of space retained whilst also meeting Mayoral and Central Government priorities to release surplus public land for housing and schools. Paddington Green Police Station does not meet the longer term operational needs of the MPS and is therefore proposed to be redeveloped.

1. Issues for consideration

1.1 In support of the estate strategy there is a need to rationalise the estate through the co-location of teams into a single site location.

1.2 The existing front counter and safer neighbourhood base will be relocated into a purpose built facility as part of the redeveloped land on the existing Paddington Green site. A temporary front counter and safer neighbourhood base will be located in the Paddington Green area during the construction period

1.3 The short term decant strategy will include the use of West End Central, Charing Cross, Kilburn and Belgravia. Solutions for the decant of the teams currently based at Paddington Green in the longer term will form part of the wider discussions regarding estate requirements for Westminster BOCU.

1.4 The procurement route is set out in Part 2.

1.5 There are significant planning and operational risks which will be mitigated through

· advice from specialist planning advisors,

· a clear governance structure being put in place and

· the appointment of a Senior Responsible Officer (SRO).

2. Financial Comments

2.1 Part 2 of the report sets out the capital implications of the proposals including details of how these will be funded. The proposal will deliver revenue savings which will contribute towards the £63.6M savings property services have committed to deliver by 2019/20.

3.1 Section 6 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (“the Act”) provides the MOPAC must secure the maintenance of the Metropolitan Police Service, and secure that the Metropolitan Police is efficient and effective.

3.2 In carrying out its functions, the MOPAC may, under paragraph 7, Schedule 3 of “the Act “do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of the Office”. This includes, entering into contracts and other agreements, in addition to acquiring and disposing of property (including land). The MOPAC has the power to dispose of surplus properties (including land) under paragraph 7 (2) (b) of Schedule 3 of the “the Act”.

3.3 Full details are contained within the Part 2 report.

4. Equality Comments

4.1 Future investment in the core estate will ensure full compliance with the Equalities Act 2010 with regards to the provision of accommodation. Facilities for staff working in all buildings will be enhanced over time as investment is focused on those assets core to operations.

4.2 The equality and diversity implications for redevelopments are addressed within the Equality Impact Assessment for the Corporate Real Estate Programme. The CRE EIA considers moves generally and advocates that building specific EIAs are conducted on a case by case basis. The User Output Specification addresses equality / diversity including reference to those with caring responsibilities / disability, seeking out guidance from HR in order that issues can be managed locally. The User Output Specification also asks questions regarding accessibility in order to feed into design and requirements for specialist kit (OH Chairs, ICT software, raised desks, etc). PSD have aligned issues of equality / diversity within existing processes for relocating staff within the MPS Estate. This approach has been shared / approved by DCFD.

Signed decision document

DMPCD 2016-36 Paddington Green

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