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PCD 1348 CDW/IIP Stabilisation Phase 2 – Implementation

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Reference code: PCD 1348

Date signed:

Date published:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

PCD 1348 CDW/IIP Stabilisation Phase 2 – Implementation

PCD 1348 CDW/IIP Stabilisation Phase 2 – Implementation 

This decision concerns the implementation of the required infrastructure and application upgrade work on the CDW/IIP services to ensure the CD/IIP service over the next 3-5 years. 

The Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) and Integrated Information Platform (IIP) is a critical system  within the MPS that takes data feeds from multiple legacy systems CRIS, CRIMINT, CAD, CUSTODY, MERLIN, STOPS and allows officers to search across them using a single screen. The data feeds contain a subset of the core data records and stores these within the Data warehouse.  IIP is the User interface that officers use to trigger a search from within CDW. 

The current CDW/IIP Infrastructure and software have reached end of life and Digital Policing will need to upgrade both to ensure the current service levels are maintained going forward. 

The CONENCT project are planning to expose CONNECT data into CDW/IIP for searching by officers and this increased load will put the current service into further risk if the core components are not upgraded. 

The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to:   

  1. Approve infrastructure and application upgrade work on the CDW/III services with a capital cost of £240,000 in 2023/24 fully funded from the MOPAC approved Digital Policing (DP) capital plan, project revenue of £2,169,000 (£947,000 in 2022/23 £1,222,000 in 2023/24) and additional support costs of £97,000 in 2022/23 rising to £187,000 per year from 2023/24, fully funded from the MOPAC approved DP budget. 


  1. Introduction and background  

  1. The Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) and Integrated Information Platform (IIP) is a critical system  within the MPS that takes data feeds from multiple legacy systems CRIS, CRIMINT, CAD, CUSTODY, MERLIN, STOPS and allows officers to search across them using a single screen. The data feeds contain a subset of the core data records and stores these within the Data warehouse.  IIP is the User interface that officers use to trigger a search from within CDW. 

  1. CDW-IIP has over 28,000 Users and is searched more than any other system with over 30,000 searches per day. 

  1. Offices have become reliant on the IIP search (front end) as it allows them to quickly and efficiently carry out searches across all 6 of the legacy system detailed above.  The results show officers a high level view of the core records that have a positive match to their searches and officers can then access those records (within the source systems) to see the full record.   

  1. Without CDW-IIP users would need to perform multiple searches across various systems which in reality would not be feasible and would be time consuming. This is especially the case for those Users who use the system for fast time research e.g. METCC, Met Intel. 

  1. Issues for consideration  

  1. The current CDW/IIP Infrastructure and software have reached end of life and Digital Policing will need to upgrade both to ensure the current service levels are maintained going forward.     

  1. The CONENCT project are planning to expose CONNECT data into CDW/IIP for searching by officers and this increase load will put the current service into further risk if the core components are not upgraded. 

  1. Due the urgency of the required stabilisation, this paper has used supplier Rough Order Of Magnitude (ROM) pricing and as such a contingency has been applied to mitigate against cost or timeline increases. Project costs and ongoing revenue impact will be refined through the design phase. 

  1. All existing systems have signed off DPIAs covering all the associated data sets stored within them.  The data warehouse DPIA will be updated to reflect the new service/capabilities. 

  1. CDW/IIP has the potential to be a stepping stone for the MPS to deliver the future Enterprise searching capability.  

  1. CDW/IIP Stabilisation Phase 1 is currently in flight to engage suppliers to review the search software options and produce their findings.   

  1. A new contract to a value of £330k with CGI to support the upgrade activities will be required. This will be managed under Commercial Services’ Scheme of Delegation. 

  1. Financial Comments  

  1. The infrastructure and application upgrade work on the CDW/III services will have a  capital cost of £240k in 2023/24 fully funded from the MOPAC approved Digital Policing (DP) capital plan, project revenue of £2,169k (£947k in 2022/23 £1,222k in 2023/24) and additional support costs of £97k in 2022/23 rising to £187k per year from 2023/24 fully funded from the MOPAC approved DP budget. 

  1. Legal Comments  

  1. The Mayor’s Officer for Policing Crime is a Contracting Authority as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“the Regulations”). All awards of public contracts for goods and/or services valued at £213,477 (inclusive of VAT) or above will be procured in accordance with the Regulations. 

  1. The proposed award of a contract to CGI for £330,000 is to be procured via via the recommended procurement route of the SPF 22.  

  1. The SPF 22 framework was procured by MPS earlier this year. The SPF 22 expressly  (at Schedule 5 (call-Off Procedure), Paragraph 2) allows for direct contract awards below the value of £500,000 and is compliant with Regulations.  

  1. Paragraph 4.8 of the Scheme of Delegation provides for the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime to approve business cases for revenue or capital expenditure of £500,000 and above. 

  1. Paragraph 7.23 of the Scheme of Delegation delegates authority to the Director of Strategic Procurement to approve the award all contracts below £500,000, with the exception of those called in by MOPAC via the agreed call in procedure.   

  1. Commercial Issues  

  1. The application provider, CGI, will be engaged via an Technology Services 3 Framework (RM6100) Lot 3D. 

  1. This service is in addition to the service support which CGI already provide under their existing contract. CGI, will be engaged via the MPS Solution Provider Framework to provide additional  resources to support the software upgrade, the estimated value of this work is £330,000, and it is anticipated it will take 13 months. 

  1. The Supplier Performance Framework (SPF 22)  was award by MPS earlier this year following a compliant procurement process. The SPF 22 framework agreement expressly provides the facility for direct award for call off contracts below £500k and any such award to an SPF framework supplier (such as CGI) is therefore compliant with Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the “Regulations”).   

  1. The project supports the Commissioner’s data plans as it will maintain the MPS’s ability to efficiently search across data sources enabling MPS to find relevant and meaningful information. 

  1. The project helps support the Anchor Institutions Charter by reducing the carbon footprint of the MPS and so supports the charter by contributing to a cleaner greener London.  

  1. GDPR and Data Privacy  

  1. The MPS is subject to the requirements and conditions placed on it as a 'State' body to comply with the European Convention of Human Rights and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018. Both legislative requirements place an obligation on the MPS to process personal data fairly and lawfully in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.  

  2. Under Article 35 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Section 57 of the DPA 2018, Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) become mandatory for organisations with technologies and processes that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights of the data subjects. 

  3. The Information Assurance and Information Rights units within MPS will be consulted at all stages to ensure the project meets its compliance requirements. 

  1. All existing systems have signed off DPIAs covering all the associated data sets stored within them.  The data warehouse DPIA will be updated to reflect the new service/capabilities. This project does not use currently personally identifiable data of members of the public, so there are no current GDPR issues to be considered. If the project uses personally identifiable data of members of the public at a later date DPIAs will be completed as needed. 

  1. Equality Comments  

  1. As this is an extension and upgrade of an existing service this work does not change any aspects relating to equality or diversity’. 

  1. Background/supporting papers 

  2. Report 






Signed decision document

PCD 1348 CDW/IIP Stabilisation Phase 2 – Implementation

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