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The Mayor chairs this key decision-making forum so that he can actively consider all decisions related to the ASF and ensure the programme is delivered effectively.

What are the Board's aims?

The Adult Skills Fund (ASF) Mayoral Board's aims are:

  • to advise on key decisions related to adult education in London including strategic priorities and funding requirements
  • to consider how the programme aligns to the Mayor's Skills for Londoners Strategy and the Mayor's manifesto commitments on skills.

Who are the Board members?

The Board is chaired by the Mayor.

Other members include:
•    Deputy Mayor for Business and Growth;
•    Mayor’s Deputy Chief of Staff;
•    Chief Finance Officer; and
•    any other appointment that the Mayor deems to be in furtherance of the Board’s aims.

What are the Board meetings about?

The Board will meet around four times a year.

The Mayor will chair the discussion and ask members to share their views on how to deliver a successful programme of activity.

Terms of reference and meeting papers

You can view the constitution (including the terms of reference) for the ASF Mayoral Board.

Meetings of this board are not held in public but agendas will be published five clear working days before the meeting to which they relate. Summary minutes will be published in draft within two weeks of the meeting.