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Biodiversity is deteriorating worldwide, and this decline is projected to worsen. Despite a long legacy of action in the city, much of London’s wildlife has not escaped this decline.  

Most of London’s most valuable sites for nature are recognised as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). There are more than 1,600 SINCs across the city, covering nearly 20 per cent of its surface area. 

These sites are the core of London's wildlife network and need to be at the heart of any actions to rewild the city and recover nature.  

Why we need to rewild London

To conserve London's core network and to ensure it is resilient to pressures like climate change, it needs to be well managed, expanded and better connected through habitat creation, enhancement and restoration. 

It also needs to be known and enjoyed by Londoners, so its value is understood. 

How we are supporting new rewilding projects in London

The Rewild London Fund is supporting projects aiming to enhance and restore London’s Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs).

Banded demoiselle at Woodberry Wetland

Rewild London Fund 2023

The third round of the Rewild London Fun, run in partnership with the London Wildlife Trust, called for projects to happen at a range of spatial scales to help expand, restore and connect wildlife areas across London.

Recipients of the grants have now been announced.

Explore the recipients and their projects


Past recipients

Previous rounds of the Rewild London Fund awarded a total of £1,450,000 to projects that aimed at improving and connecting London's most valuable wildlife sites, as well as restoring and creating over 270 hectares of wildlife habitats across the capital.

Below you can find out more about the grant recipients, their projects and the progress made.

The 2022 Rewild London Fund has awarded 22 projects that will enhance London’s most valuable wildlife sites.

A Butterfly in the wild (credit Krisz Feteke)

The 2021 Rewild London Fund has awarded 19 projects that will enhance London’s most valuable wildlife sites.

A butterfly in the wild

How we are driving action together

The London Rewilding Taskforce was a time-limited advisory group convened by the Mayor of London. Their role was to explore potential opportunities for rewilding in London to support nature recovery and enhance biodiversity, while bringing benefits to Londoners and addressing the climate and ecological emergency. 

They met three times over the course of 2022, culminating in a final recommendations report published in March 2023.

Working with our partners

The Mayor has asked London Wildlife Trust to act as delivery partner to take forward some of the London Rewilding Taskforce's final recommendations including convening a London Rewilding Action Group (LRWAG). This will bring together experts in nature conservation, community engagement and sustainable finance to develop one or more large-scale rewilding pilots to be delivered in London.

London Wildlife Trust are also conducting a review of the Sites of Importance in Nature Conservation (SINC) selection guidance to provide greater emphasis on upgrading sites and identifying the future pipeline of new SINCs. Part of this work will be the creation of a SINC Resource Hub.

To provide meaningful opportunities for Londoners to engage with nature, the Mayor is supporting the scaling up of rewilding-related community science projects in London.

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